Chapter 29

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3rd POV. Infinity Train crash site.

As per Sora's request, he was sent into a nearby town to be taken care of his injuries and to recover.

The Kakushi's applied first aid on him. The Kakushi followed the crow who was under orders of Kagaya.

Zenitsu arrived at the scene, carrying Nezuko who is inside the box.

Zenitsu saw the Kakushi carrying the unconscious Sora towards the direction of the nearest town.

Zenitsu: Why is that Kakushi taking Sora-san away?

Tanjiro: It's nii-san's request. He said that he wants to recover in a nearby town.

Zenitsu: I see. But, Tanjiro, I noticed or rather, I heard it.....

Zenitsu: Another sound of thunder........

Kyojuro: I can't believe it but he used Thunder Breathing when he saved me.


Tanjiro: ..........

Tanjiro is debating on whether he should tell about Sora's visual prowess......

However, she remembered what Tamayo told him.

So, Tanjiro will tell Sora's ability, under a certain condition.....

They must keep it an absolute secret.

Tanjiro: Please, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Rengoku-san......

Tanjiro: Please, what I'm about to say about Sora-oniisan, please keep it a secret.

Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Kyojuro all looked at each other for a while, and they agreed with a silent nod before facing Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: Thank you.

Tanjiro: Nii-san, I know you trust them, so please......

Tanjiro: All right. When I was exchanging letters with my brother, during our time in the Butterfly Estate......

Tanjiro: Nii-san told me that Oyakata-sama somehow knew about nii-san's eyes.

Tanjiro: According to what Oyakata-sama told him, he revealed the name of nii-san's eyes, the Sharingan.

Kyojuro: The Sharingan? You mean the red eyes with a mitsudomoe pattern that forms a wheel?

Tanjiro: Yes. The Sharingan, as nii-san said earlier during his fight with Akaza......

Tanjiro: Is unique to their clan.

Tanjiro: I can't say nii-san's true family name. At least, not for now.

Tanjiro: He said that the Sharingan has the ability to analyze movements of ally, foe, and even himself. That allows him to predict the flow of battle and perform the best action.

Kyojuro: I see, so that's the reason he got in equal footing with an Upper Rank Demon......

Tanjiro: Then, when we woke up from the dream that was cast by a blood demon art of the Dream Demon, Lower One......

The Flower and the Pinwheel (Kanae x Uchiha OC)Where stories live. Discover now