Chapter 14

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3rd POV. Outside of the Mansion.

Sora: *sigh*

Sora: It's taking them a while now.

Shoichi: D-Don't you think they......?

Sora: No, I trust them.

Sora: I may not have Tanjiro's sharp nose, but I know I can feel something is wrong whenever I see it.

Teruko: Really?

Sora: Let's eyes are sharp.

Sora: I don't know but I always felt like I can see things that can't be seen by ordinary humans.

Sora: Was I really born with sharp eyes?

Sora: So, maybe just by seeing something, even if it is the most subtle change, I can feel it.

Teruko: But Sora-san, the box beside, we can hear scratches on them.

Sora: Ah.....

Sora: Let's say, we caught something strange within this box. And we can't let it out unless we know what it is.

Shoichi: Is it like the monster that kidnapped our brother!?

Sora: No, no. If it's really a monster, then we wouldn't even keep it inside a box at this size.

Shoichi: I see.

Sora: Anyways, since we'll be here for a while, I'll go try to search a river around here and fish.

Teruko: Huh?

Shoichi: You're going to leave us here?

Sora: I'll be back soon. Don't worry, I'll catch as many as I can.

Sora: Now, listen up, Shoichi, Teruko.

Sora: Whatever you hear inside this box, do not open it or do not runaway.

Sora: Okay?

The siblings obediently nods as Sora left to find at least a pond that has fish.

It was only a few meters and with his luck, he found a river and he saw fishes swimming within the river's course.

Drawing his katana, he began hunting fish after fish. Until he caught at least 10 fish. Four of them are big while the rest are medium sized.

Sora: Now this could be a feast.

Sora grabs a cloth and put his catch and bundled it up. When he returned, he saw Shoichi and Teruko still outside the mansion.

Sora: I'm back.

Teruko: Welcome back.

Shoichi: That's a lot of fish......

Sora: Right? Anyways......

Sora laid out his bountiful catch.

Sora: Now, we'll just collect wood around here.

Shoichi: I'll help.

Sora: Thanks. But, I guess before that, we need to bury that man.

Sora points at the corpse which was fortunately haven't decayed that much.

As much as they hate the smell, they have to bury the man in order for them to focus later on.

Sora buries the man beside the tree where he initially left the body and paid respects to him.

The Flower and the Pinwheel (Kanae x Uchiha OC)Where stories live. Discover now