Chapter 20

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3rd POV. Butterfly Estate.

It's already been a few days since Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke were brought to the Butterfly Estate.

The three of them are currently undergoing the Rehabilitation Training.

Today is another day of the Rehabilitation Training.

With their bodies getting stretch, being splashed by medicated water over and over again, beaten in tag.

The trio are getting more and more hopeless as they felt that it is only nothing but torture. With the addition of a short tempered doctor (Shinobu), their day couldn't get any worse.

Tanjiro looks upon the open window to see a crow with another piece of paper on it's talon.

Knowing the sender of the letter, Tanjiro quickly snatched the letter and read the letter from his adoptive elder brother, Uchiha Sora.

"Tanjiro, I know you, Zenitsu, and Inosuke are going through.......something hard. I don't know if this might be helpful for you. Considering that I traveled with Tamayo-san, a doctor and from my experience in helping patients recover such as from their injuries, I gave them a tip that can help them."

"Whenever they think about of their injuries, tell them to just focus on what they can do to recover. Although, I know there are some wounds that can never be healed by mere medicine such as wounds of the heart and mind."

"Anyways, Tanjiro, I know you can go through this Rehabilitation Training. There is the word training so it is important for you, especially you are Demon Slayer."

"If my tip isn't enough.....then try to practice the Hinokami Kagura, preferably from sunset and practice it for atleast two hours."

"I know you may ask why. Remember, practice makes it perfect. I'm sure you can improve in mastering the kagura."

"I may not be able to be there with you to guide you in practicing the kagura, but I'll try to visit this Butterfly Estate, probably secretly because you know, a civilian who knows the Demon Slayer Corps is big trouble and can be turned into a demon by Muzan if the chance ever happens."

"I'll try to visit you tonight, I'll notify the crow when I get here."

"With love and care, nii-san."

"P.S. If Nezuko is awake much better. Also, tell Zenitsu and Inosuke I said hi."

Tanjiro smiled after reading the letter as he fold it and put it on the stack of letters that he received from the Uchiha ever since he arrived at the Butterfly Estate.

Tanjiro went out from his bed and surprisingly, Zenitsu is awake.

Zenitsu: Good morning, Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: Ah, Zenitsu. Good morning.

Zenitsu: It seems like you received another letter from Sora-san.

Tanjiro: Yeah. He's actually concerned about you and Inosuke. Since I told him in the letters the injuries that you got during our mission.

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