Chapter 3

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3rd POV. Kocho Residence.

Sakurai and Reiko returned........and both of them.........

Only have one thought in their minds right now.

Reiko & Sakurai: We hope that Sora-kun is all fine.......

And the two of them, are looking for a way to explain the situation to their daughters.

They arrived at sunset, because they searched the whole village for Sora only to know that their efforts were futile.

Sakurai: Just what happened to their village?

Reiko: I also have the same question, dear.

Reiko: I think Sasuke-kun somehow predicted this to happen, but.......why did he wanted his brother to tag along?

Sakurai: I guess it is to convince Misaki-san, and even assist her.

Reiko: That also makes sense, but I guess things took a drastic turn.

Sakurai: About the people we met earlier, I don't know, I find them strange.

Reiko: Me too. Like, what are they doing? Cleaning up?

Sakurai: *sigh*

Sakurai: Let's not ponder that for a while.

Sakurai: More importantly, how are we going to explain this to Kanae and Shinobu?

Reiko: Right...........

Reiko: We just can't say it that Sora-kun along with their family went missing.......

Sakurai: That would be all too strange.........not to mention, word travels fast, the destruction of their village will be the talk of the town, and this will even make the local government to be concerned about what happened.........

The two of them are still processing the load of information that they discovered......and even trying to figure out the possibilities of what happened during that night.

Sakurai: But, it seems like lying would not be our best choice......

Reiko: So, we can just try to make our daughters understand what happened?

Sakurai: Yes. I dear that even if we tried to.........

Sakurai: *sigh*

Sakurai: This is going to be tough.

While the Sakurai and Reiko are trying to come up with a suitable explanation......... a house near the foot of a mountain........

A young boy with blue eyes, stumbled upon a humble home......

As he gently approached it, a man, who has a birthmark on the upper left side of his face, wearing a orange-black checkered kimono, and wearing a pair of hanafuda earrings, noticed the young boy.

???: Young one, do you need something?

The young boy, who turns out to be the sole survivor of the Uchiha Clan, answered......

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