Chapter 46

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3rd POV. The next day.

Kanroji Mitsuri, along with the other Kakushi brough Sora back to the Ubuyashiki Estate.

When they brought him back, Amane, quickly tended to him and was relieved that Sora didn't have any significant wounds.

He only passed out from exhaustion.

Mitsuri was also given an immediate treatment before she was sent back to the Butterfly Estate.

The next day....

Sora woke up and found himself in his room.

Sora: It seems like they brought me here.

With Sora making a surprising fast recovery went straight to Kagaya's room, and he saw that his disease is now even getting worse than before.

Amane who is by his side is tending to him.

Sora: Oyakata-sama, Amane-sama.

Amane: Sora, you shouldn't be moving, you just barely woke up—

Sora: I am fine.

Kagaya: Sora........even though I can't see you......

Kagaya: I can clearly tell what expression are you making.

Sora: Your senses are sharp.

Sora: I guess you already knew.

Sora: But before that. Did you find him?

Amane: Yes. Not to mention, Uchiha Madara has become a demon.

Sora: Ah.......

Sora: No wonder.

Sora: The fact that I trained under him and his ideology when I fought him before I met Tamayo-san and Yushiro......

Sora: Uchiha Madara wants a world where only those of pure heart will thrive. He wishes to annihilate all demons......and apparently, humans who have done grave sins.

Kagaya: A word where only the pure heart will thrive?

Kagaya: That's......

Sora: The moment I knew the true nature of my dojutsu, Kotoamatsukami, is capable of.......

Sora: I rebelled against him because he wants to control people by force.

Sora: Taking away their free will.....

Amane: According to a report, one of our demon slayers encountered Madara, fought him, but then he declared that one day.....

Amane: His descendant will return to him and if that happens, his plan is complete.

Sora: He means me.

Kagaya: Sora, with Madara becoming a demon, and you being his target.....

Sora: When I fought him, I was still weak. I never even possessed the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.....

The Flower and the Pinwheel (Kanae x Uchiha OC)Where stories live. Discover now