Chapter 47

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3rd POV. Ubuyashiki Estate. Three days after Sora's battle with Madara.

Amane consulted with Kagaya to postpone the Hashira Meeting for just a day, in order for Sora to have a breather after his battle.

Kagaya agreed, and Sora has to collect himself because he knows that he'll be on trial.

In Sora's room, Kiriya, Kuina, and Kanata are watching over the Uchiha and they wanted to hear another story from him.

Sora: Let's see......

Sora: Do you know how Susanoo how Susanoo-no-Mikoto defeated the Yamata no Orochi?

Kiriya: Yamata no Orochi?

Sora: It is a eight headed serpent.

Kuina: Did such a creature exist?

Sora: Maybe, considering that my clan descended from Amaterasu-sama.

Sora: So, the story began after Susanoo was banished from Takamagahara after their dispute with Amaterasu-sama.

Sora: During his travels, he saw two elderly couple, who were looking distressed.

Sora: The god of sea and storms asked the elderly couple what is the cause of their distress.

Sora: They told him that the Yamata no Orochi, a eight headed serpent, devoured 7 of their children.

Sora: The couple fears that their eighth daughter, Kushinadahime, will soon be devoured by the serpent.

Sora: Knowing of their plight, Susanoo sympathized the elderly couple and promised to defeat the monster.

Sora: In order to defeat the serpent, Susanoo did the following steps.

Sora: He transformed Kushinadahime into a comb and placed it on his hair, as a means of hiding her.

Sora: Next, he made the serpent drunk a strong sake.

Sora: When the serpent was intoxicated and slept, Susanoo cut the serpent's heads.

Sora: On the tail of the serpent, he discovered a sword on its tail.

Sora: As such, he took the sword and gifted it to Amaterasu as a sign of reconciliation.

Sora: This sword is known as Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi.

Kuina: Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi?

Sora: The three Imperial Regalia of Japan.

Sora: that I think about it......

Sora: My Susanoo possess the Yata no Kagami, which is considered as one of the three treasures.......

Sora: Does it mean, the sacred mirror which is hidden in the Imperial Palace is a fake and I possess the real mirror?

Sora: Considering that the Uchiha Clan is also related to the Imperial Family......

Sora: No, I'm thinking too much about it.

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