Chapter 11

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The Uchiha Clan.......

A Legendary Clan who descended from Amaterasu through her son, Indra.

Amaterasu blessed Indra and his descendants the Sharingan, a divine eye that will serve as to watch over the land and purge all evil.

However, centuries passed and they were banished from the Imperial Court, leading the Uchiha to be divided amongst themselves. That is what they want you to think.

It was one of the causes. Another cause that caused the Uchiha Civil War, was the forbidden genjutsu which they called as "Izanagi" named after the Primordial Creators of the Japan.

The Izanagi had the power to alter destiny, and the Uchiha used this power, to crush their enemies, even their own, which resulted in those who can use Izanagi to boast and had the lust for power.

The Uchiha who are pacifists in nature, were also harmed and decided to take arms and stop the abuse of Izanagi, ironically, they also used Izanagi to stop Izanagi. That was the start of the Uchiha Civil War.

The fighting went on and on.

Sharingan against Sharingan. Brother against brother. Izanagi against Izanagi.

But they say that for such power, there must be a cost. The cost of using the Izanagi, the Sharingan that the Uchiha used to activate the said technique, will lose its light, and since the Uchiha valued their Sharingan, it was labelled as forbidden. But during the time of the civil war, they never cared about the consequences of losing their Sharingan, in exchange for dominating the world.

Until one day..........

Uchiha Naori, one of Sora's ancestors during the time of the Civil War, developed a counter to the Izanagi.

In order to save her friend who also abused the power of Izanagi, she decided to take the matters in her own hands, to end the war using another forbidden genjutsu.

Naori used Izanami, which was named after Izanagi's wife. If the Izanagi has the power to alter destiny, then Izanami is the one that "decides" destiny.

The effects of the Izanagi is to trap an opponent by remembering key moments during battle, and trap the opponent in an infinite loop. It doesn't matter of the moments are not in order, but the fact that it can still trap an opponent to an infinite loop.

For the one who will be trapped in the said technique, they will experience the loop over and over in their minds. In reality however, they will stand motionless, but the physical sensations of the target like being stabbed, they will still feel it, and when the loop is reset, the wound will be back to normal.

But how does one escape the Izanami? Simple. Like previously mentioned, Izanami is the one that decides fate, if the target will finally accept the wrong of their mistakes and accept reality, the loop will end and just like Izanagi, the caster of Izanami will also lose the light of the Sharingan they used, thus labelling the Izanami as another forbidden genjutsu of the Uchiha.

But the purpose of Izanami is to save an Uchiha or a foe from arrogance and to help them correct their ways to accept reality and finally see through the illusions of their wrongdoings.

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