Chapter 10

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Taking a deep breath of air, Sang knocked on her mother's door.

Almost emeditally, the door flung open, reveling her mother, who looked anything but happy.

" Get. In. This. Room," Her mother got out between clenched teeth. Sang would of obeyed, but she swore she swore Dakota down the corridor, so was now staring down the corridor, wondering if her eyes were playing a trick on her.

Which was why Sang gasped when her mother grabbed her bun and yanked her in the room to her knees, slamming the door behind her.

" HOW DARE YOU DISGRACE THIS FAMILY, SANG EMILY SORENSON!!" her mother screamed at Sang, her nose flaring on anger.

Sang, who was kneeling on the floor, stuttered an apology, but her mother wasn't listening as she went into the kitchen that they had in her room and made a drink of some sort, but she couldn't see because of her position on the floor.

Coming back, her mother said, in a deathly calm voice that terrified Sang, "Drink this."

Wondering what the drink could be, Sang took it with shaking fingers, afraid to disobey, and took a gulp, and emeditally recolided from the glass.

It was lemon juice... And vinger.

Sang had only drank this once before- because she talked to the mail boy- and she could barely speak above a whisper for days.

She wouldn't- couldn't- just forget the taste of something that killed her vocal cords.

" Drink it," her mother stated, still deathly calm, "or I will chuck you over board."

Not wanting to find out if her mother would actually live up to her threat, Sang gulped down reast of the lemon juice and vinger, silent tears steaming down her cheeks. Now she couldn't talk to her boys.

That made her cry more.

Once Sang finished, she threw up- almost emeditally after- on her mother's carpet, the sick scratching her throat. When she had finished, Sang lay on the carpet, silent tears still streaming down her face.

" You will stay here," her mother told say, not facing Sang as she opened the door, "until I return."

With that, her mother left the room.

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