Chapter 33

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You'd think that untying someone else would be easier, Sang thought to herself as she glared at the ropes that bound Gabriel to the stall.

The very second that Sang had freed herself, she was running to Gabriel and checking his pulse (which was very week, but still there). Once her heart had calmed down, she had set about the task of untying Gabriel.

Which, as it turned out, was practically impossible.

Her wrists hurt to move, her fingers were burning, she had a pounding headache, and her hands were shaking- yet she still carried on trying to untie one of the 9 men that she had fallen in love with in a short period of time. Sang should go and get one of the boys to help her, she knew that, but she was afraid if she left, her step-mother would come back and do something to Gabriel.

Sang couldn't risk him getting hurt anymore.

A few unnoticed tears fell from her eyes. It really hurt. Everything really hurt. It hurt to untie Gabriel, to move, to see him like this, bleeding and hurt, bound to a chair. It hurt to feel this strongly about someone, when she had never done it before.

The beauty fell back on her knees, and sobbed into her hands, giving up on her attempt to untie Gabriel. Maybe, if she wished hard enough, a miracle would...

The sound of banging brought Sang's head up from her hands, and towards the door, which was being banged upon.


Leaping the feat, despite the throbing ake in them from being tied up and being in the kneeling possison for over 20 minutes, and being tied to a stall for God knows how long, Sang dashed towards the door.

" Yes! Help, kota!" Sang called, before a cough over took her, making her bend over. Being tied up to the chair must of messed up her vocal cords even more than earlier.

" She's in there. North, Silas, you know what to do," Owen comarnded from the other side of the door before the sound of two very tall, muscley and handsome men running into the door at full speed reached her ears.

They did this another 3 or so times before the door started to splinter. Sang dragged Gabriel back a bit so he wouldn't be caught by Silas and North when they broke the door down.

The next bang, and the door came strait of and the two boys came running in at full speed, not stopping until they hit the wall, the others quickly running in behind them and gasping at the sight before their eyes.

" What happened?" Kota barked, eyes flashing, as Luke grabbed a pocket knife from his back pocket and started freeing Gabriel.

Sang didn't even want to know why Luke carryed round a pocket knife.

" My mother," Sang muttered, moving so they could get to Gabriel and free him from the chair and find out why he hadn't woken up.

Everyone did just that- gathering round Gabriel, blocking him from her veiw. This was a terrible idea- not letting her see Gabriel, as Sang started freaking out and dawning on the worst possible reasons as to why he had not woken up.

Like Gabriel being in a coma. It was certuanly possible- it also explained why he hadn't woken up when she woke up in a matter of minuites.

Sang's eyes started bluring. Thinking it was tears, she reached up to wipe them away before anyone could notice them.

But there were no tears.

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