Chapter 38

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(In the medical room)

Things weren't going very well in the medical room, what so ever.

Random bottles littered the floor, bandages spread themselves across the beds, something that looked suspiciously like blood was spread across the wall, needles cluttered the desks and a whole lot more stuff that Sang had yet to comprehend.

Sang honestly didn't have half a clue how it got this messy. She had left the room for less than 5 minutes to go to the bathroom and this is what she had returned to.

Complete and utter chaos with Sean in the middle of it all.

Why hadn't she seen this coming?

" SEAN! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" the beauty practically shouted, disregarding what Sean had told her about raising her voice.

To say she was mad with the doctor was a major understatement.

" Well, um, I was attacked," Sang raised her eyebrows in a 'really?' kind of way. Like hell she believed the fact that Sean was attacked, "What? I really was! When you left the room a bunch of rich ladies came in the room and tried to get in my pants! Please don't leave me again. I beg of you, don't!"

Because Sean was on his knees, his palms together in the way you would do to pray to the lord above, a terrified and begging expression on his face and covered in red lipstick kisses- something she had just noticed- Sang decided to believe him and the whole getting attacked by a bunch of rich ladies.

It was certainly possible. Her step sister, of course, was on the ship, and this was just the sort of thing she would do.

(In the 1st dining room)

" THE SHIP IS GONNA SINK!!! THE SHIP IS GONNA SINK!!! THE SHIP IS GONNA SINK!!!" Luke shouted as he ran round the room, banging a pot and pan.

Owen forced his head into the wall in what is called a 'wall palm' for the 15th time since Luke had come out and started shouting that "THE SHIP IS GONNA SINK!!". He had long since given up all attempt of trying to stop the oldest Taylor brother (though he certainly didn't act like it), and instead started wall palming.

The leader of the Academy group found he took great enjoyment in this for some odd reason.

As he wall palmed, Owen found himself thinking... More like shouting at himself for choosing Luke to be the one to help him hint to people that the ship will, more than likely, sink. He was an complete and utter idiot for thinking that Luke could possibly do this with him.

" Um, Owen, are you okay?" one of the band members who we was undercover with(he played the Cello) asked, looking rather concerned for the one of the two violin players.

With his head against the wall, "I'm fine. I have not lost it and please don't send a message out to the mental hospital to come and collect me when we reach New York. Because we are not gonna reach New York!"

When he had finished, Owen started hysterically laughing, causing the Cello player and the other band members to back away slowly, now slightly scared of him while trying to avoid the obviously mad Luke and the poor passengers who had yet to escape the 1st class dining room and get away from the mad people in it. 

(In the corridor)

" Prissy boy!"

" Gay boy!"

" Rick prick!"

" Ugly retard!"

As many could clearly hear, Victor and Gabriel had yet to make it to the wireless room and complete their task set by their boss.

What had started out as kind complements that brothers share had turned into a full blown insult war. Some passengers had actually gathered to watch it and somebody was handing out snacks for very high prices to the gathered people.

" The only reason Sang looks at you is because you have money!" Gabriel shouted Victor. The crowed 'ohhhh!'ed at him while Victor staggered slightly like Gabriel had struck him, a face of pure pain on his own.

" Well Sang doesn't even look at you and your uglyness!" Victor shouted after he had recovered from the pain of Gabriel's words.

" Harsh!" someone shouted from the crowd as tears slipped down Gabriel's cheeks and he clutched at his heart.

" How could you Victor? I thought we had something!" Gabriel wailed as he ran down the corridor.

" Gabriel! Wait!" Victor shouted after Gabriel as he sprinted after him.

" Young love," Someone sniffled from the crowd, blowing her nose, "so beautiful."

(on top deck)

" No, that doesn't go there, Nathan. It goes over there!" Kota said as he pointed to the other side of the lifeboat they were trying, and failing to build.

They had been trying for quite some time to build this life boat. It had taken at least 15 minutes to get everything upstairs from down in Silas' room (why it was in there, they had no idea) and another 5 to find the instruction manual so they actually knew what they were doing.

It was times like these the boys wondered why they didn't bring a ready made lifeboat.

" Why don't you come and build it yourself then?" Nathan snapped. He didn't get much sleep (who can on the hard tiled floor with just a blanket?), he had gotten coffee on his balls again so was now wearing a pair of trousers that belonged to Kota and were too small and he hadn't gotten to spend any time with Sang. He was not in a good mood what so ever and Kota's constant bossyness was not helping that what so ever.

" Who'd read the instructions out to you lot? Silas would rip the book in half with his clumsiness!" Kota also hadn't gotten much sleep- as most of it was spent wondering why Sang had lied to him- so he wasn't thinking about the stuff that came from his mouth.

" Hey! I am not clumsy!" Silas shouted at Kota as he turned round with the piece of wood he was holding. Not a good idea- as North was behind him. You can take a very accurate guess what happened next.

" Silas," North growled as he rubbed his stomach- not in hunger but in pain. Silas squeaked an apology before running over to Kota and Nathan, away from the furious North.

" GET OVER HERE YOU BIG CLUMSY GREEK SO I CAN FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" North boomed leaped over the very-far-from-being-complete lifeboat - shaking the ship slightly as he did so- so he could murder his best friend in broad day light.

North was so consumed by rage that he didn't even realize that he had knocked Kota off the edge of the Titanic, where he hung for dear life.

" The manual!" Kota shouted as he stared at the instruction manual as it floated into the sea before he started hysterically sobbing, ignoring all the shouts and thumps back on deck.

All the manual ever wanted to do was teach people how to construct lifeboats, and now it was gone- forever- in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean...

In other words, they all needed a lot more sleep.

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