Chapter 14

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Sang sat on the bed, trying but failing to stop listening to the heated conversation going on in the doctor's office.

After the doctor looked in the beauty's throat and comfurmed her suspicion- it was burnt- they had told her to rest and lay back while they went to discuss things. By discuss things, they meant 'shout at each over in very loud voices', which is what they were doing.

" She is getting abused, Doctor Green! We can't sit by and do nothing!" Sang over heard part of the conversation. Though they both didn't seem very happy with the fact that she had to drink the lemon juice and vinger, Nathan seemed to take it to heart and was very passionate about it.

She suspected that he had dealed with it before, because of the tone of his voice- annoyed and agitated.

" I know that Nathan! But we can't just grab her and run- if you haven't relised, we are on a bloody ship!" Doctor Green shouted, sounding annoyed with the fact that he couldn't just take her and make a run with it.

Not that she would willingly go- she has just met the guys!

Groaning softly, Sang layed back in her bed, deciding it was better not to listen to there "discussion" and just sit back and relax like they told her to.

Just as she was about to shut her eyes and get some sleep, the door banged open to reveal North and a long blonde haired boy with a bloody tea-towel wrapped round his finger.

The blonde hair boy was model worthy, despite the bloody tea-towel rapped round his hand, and Sang would gladly stair at him for hours. His blonde hair was so long that it almost reached his shoulders, some of it pulled in a lose ponytail behind his head, the shorter locks hanging around his face and ears. His skin was only slightly darker than the beauty's. His eyes were brown, striking against his light hair a features. He had high cheekbones and a strong chin. He wore a waiters outfit, but his top only had a few buttons done up, revealing his muscled chest.

For the 15th time that day, Sang was pretty sure she was drooling.

" Doctor Gree- Sang? What are you doing here?"

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