Chapter 26

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A monster with the face of her mother ran at her. Sang tried to run, but she couldn't move. The monster grabbed her and chucked her over the edge of the boat.

Letting out a scream, Sang quickly sat up, tears clouding her eyes as she cried.

It was no odd occurrence for the beauty to get nightmares, but this once could possibly classify as the worst. She had never dreamed of somebody she knew, and dreaming of her mother as a monster made that worse.

" Sang?" North croaked out, "are you okay?"

Sang couldn't answer due to her tears, so she shook her head.

By the sound of it, North was getting up. Sang's thoughts were confirmed when she felt strong arms wrap round her small frame.

" Hey, don't cry. Shhh. Did you have a nightmare?" North whispered in her ear as he rocked her back and forth in his arms. Sang nodded, burring her head into his chest as she wept.

" Do you want to tell me what it was about? It'll help talking about it," North said gently. Sang nodded, and moved her head from his chest slightly so she could tell him what her nightmare was about.

By the time she had finished, she had stopped crying, and was now wiping her eyes on her white dress. It was now that she relized that she hadn't changed out of her clothes since this morning.

" I should really go change my clothes," Sang muttered, noting that her dress sleeve was frayed.

" Not right now, it's 1 in the morning," North told her, squeezing Sang closer to her, "anyway, Gabe will probably want to go with you."

Sang just nodded, not shocked by Gabriel wanting to go and get change her clothes with her. It seemed the type of thing that Gabriel would do, anyway.

" We should get some sleep," Sang noted, looking at North through her eyelashes, a sleepy smile on her face.

" Okay. Night, Sang Baby," North made a move to get of the bed, but Sang grabbed his arm.

" Can you sleep with me? I-I don't think I'll be able to get back to sleep unless I am next to someone," Sang looked down at the sheets, her cheeks glowing red.

" Of course."

Sang smiled at North, who was now lying down, before settling down next to him and letting her eyes shut, now not afraid of the nightmares when her own night watchman was sleeping right next to her.

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