Chapter 40

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I'm sorry this took so long to update- I had the terrible illness known  to all as.... Writers Block!

" Please tell me? Please, please, please!" Sang begged as she followed after Luke.

Despite the fact that she knew Luke wouldn't tell her how he got labeled as mentally unstable no matter how much she pouted and begged, Sang couldn't help but plead with him as they walked to the wireless room. Owen had changed up the mission a bit, so now Sang was with Luke to go and send a message to the Academy.

" I'm not going to tell you, so stop asking," Luke said stubbornly. Sang believed that he was embarrassed by it, but Luke seemed the type of person who would laugh embarrassment off. Still, she decided to leave Luke alone, seeing as he sounded annoyed by her. And the last thing she wanted was Luke to be annoyed by her.

They walked the rest of the way in silence, but before they entered the wireless room, Luke stopped the beauty and pulled her into a broom cupboard. 

" If you promise to never tell anyone, I'll tell you. The others will never let it go, and they already have plenty of blackmail material on me thanks to North," Luke said as they stood practically chest to chest. 

" Pinky promise," Sang said, holding out her pinking and grinning. Luke grinned back, and linked his pinkie with Sang's with only slight difficulty.

" Did you know that pinky promise originally indicated that the person who broke the promise must cut of their pinky?" Sang's green eyes widened at Luke's words. I better not break this promise, then, she thought to herself, still slightly alarmed at his words, because Luke looks pretty serious about cutting of my pinky if I break the promise.

Luke leaned closer to Sang and took a deep breath before telling her why he was diagnosed as being mentally insane. When he had finished, Sang was giggling. She could just see Luke doing that.

" Hey, stop laughing," Luke whined, sounding like a child and making Sang laugh more, "it's not funny."

" We should get out of here," Sang said while trying to stop her laughter from escping her and reaching for the door handle so she could get out of the small space.

Only, the handle didn't work.

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