Chapter 18.

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Sang is a very shy and unsociable type of person due to the fact that she had never been outside, except on occasion, so throwing her shoe at a bunch of almost strangers is not the sort of activity you would expect of her.

And she almost Immediately regretted it.

" Who," Mr Perfect stated in a deathly calmness, "threw that?"

Sang was terrified. Petrified, in fact. It would of been better if he had shouted at her, but he was being so calm...

So shaking to the very bone, she raised her hand up.

Immediately, everyone's eyes were on Sang, waiting for the responce of Mr Perfect. Some looked frightened for her, others looked ready to jump imertween the fight. Dr Green's eyes were wide and he was shooting a glare at Mr Perfect that Sang couldn't understand.

Which was why they all, along with Sang, nearly had a heart attack when he started laughing.

" What?" Mr Perfect said when he noticed everyone's shocked expressions, "you'll have to admit- that was funny."

So that was how they spent the next 10 minuets- laughing like they had never laughed before.


Once they had all finished laughing, Dr Green had given her honey tea which would give back her voice- if she speaks softly. Which she did, by thanking Dr Green.

She had found out all of the very handsome boys names, as well. Mr Perfect was Owen Blackbourne, fire eyes was Victor Morgan and dyed locks was Gabriel.

Oh, and Dakota preferred Kota.

Sang was currently sipping on her second cup of honey tea when Gabriel was something that made he spit it right back out:

" Can I play with you hair?"

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