Chapter 11

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A knock on the door startled Sang from her kneeling place onto her bottom.

The beauty stared at the door like would suddenly get the power to see through it and find out who was knocking on her mothers door.

It certally wasn't anyone in Sang's family. They would of just barged in- after all, they all have keys to each overs rooms.

So who on Earth could it possibly be?

" Mrs Sorenson? Are you in there? It's Nathan, your personal fitness trainer," Sang, despite the situation, started giggling silently. Her mother? The women who complains if she walks down the flight of stairs? Fitness? Personal trainer? The image was just too funny.

" Mrs Sorenson?" Nathan the personal trainers voice snapped Sang from the image of her mother dying from exercise on the floor (which she really wanted to happen).

Instead of laughing, Sang started panicking. She couldn't leave her place or her mother will kill her! The beauty wasn't the cursing type, but she sure felt like swearing like a sailor right now.

" Fine," huffed Nathan the personal trainer, "I'm coming in!"

Sang was now having a heart attack. He couldn't come in and see her! He wouldn't understand!

But she couldn't tell him over wise- the stupid drink took her voice away. She could hide though!

But, her body had different ideas, and didn't move, so Sang watched in horror as the door slowly opened...

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