Labor part 4

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this ❤️

Maya comes in a few minutes later with lunch, and everyone is eating lunch, they are sitting on the couch, and Doug is sitting in the chair next to Kamala's bed.

15 minutes later... 1 pm

Kamala wakes up "Dougie I'm hungry, can you get Christina and ask her if I can have anything to eat"

Maya- "Doug stay here I will go and ask"

Before Maya can ask Christina if Kamala can eat anything Christina comes into Kamala's room.

Christina- " Kamala I want to check and see how your doing since I checked you last"

Kamala- "ok can I have anything to eat I'm hungry"

Christina- "let me exam you first then you can have either ice chips, popsicles, jello"

Kamala- "I want strawberry jello, with some ice chips and water to drink"

Christina- "let me exam you first then I will go and get you some ice chips and some Jello"

Christina- "relax, while I exam you"

Christina puts on her gloves and checks to see how much progress you have made "you're 7 and half centimeters now, and 80% effaced, you still got a ways to go before delivery, I will be right back with your of jello"

Christina comes back with a cup of ice chips and strawberry jello, and a spoon Doug would you like anything to eat?"

Doug- "no thanks, I got shrimp fajitas over on the table"

Barb and Mike come into Kamala's room when Doug sent them a text telling them that Kamala was up

Barb- "Kamala, how are you feeling"

Kamala- "wonderful, I had an epidural, I can't feel much, earlier, I was hurting so much, I want Shrimp Fajitas I'm hungry they smell so good, I'm 7 and half centimeters dilated and 80% effaced"

Maya- "I will make you some after Kamryn's born all you can have now is ice chips, jello, and popsicles"

Kamala- "I know, even though I want Shrimp Fajitas, and I want coffee, it smells so good, and Maya you got my favorite coffee earlier"

Maya- "I know, I was going to ask Jen to get you one, but then I remembered you couldn't have it until after Kamryn's born"
Christina comes back a few minutes later with some jello and a cup of ice chips, "Kamala I will put your jello and ice chips on the table for when you want them, I will be back in an half hour to check you"

Kamala- "thank you"

Kamala eats her jello, and has some of her water

an hour later... 2 pm

Christina comes into check Kamala

Christina- "Kamala, I want to check to see how much more your dilated"

Kamala- "okay"

Christina- "I need you to relax, while I check you, Christina puts on a pair of gloves and she checks Kamala "you're 8 and half centimeters dilated and 90% effaced, would you like more jello?, it won't be that much longer until you get to hold your baby girl"

Kamala- "yes please and more water, I can't wait to hold her"

Christina- "strawberry"?

Kamala- "yes please"

Christina brings Kamala another dish of jello and more water

1/2 hour later... 2:30 pm

Doug- "Honey, are you going to finish your jello, or are you not hungry now"

Kamala- "owe Dougie pressure and lots of it, I feel like I have to push, she's squeezing Doug's hand, "this is all your fault, never again are you touching me, you did this to me"

Doug- "Maya, go and get Christina, tell her Kamala's feeling lots of pressure and she feels like she has to push, "honey wait for Christina, squeeze my hand if you need to"

Maya- "ok"

Kamala squeezing Doug's hand "Dougie this hurts owe owe owe, this is all your fault"

Doug- "Honey, breathe in an out, and your beautiful, I love you" and he gives Kamala a kiss on her forehead

Maya goes to the nurses station and she sees Christina working on a chart "Christina, Kamala's feeling a lot of pressure and she said it feels like she has to push, she was eating her jello when she was half done with it, she started to feel pressure"

Christina- "I'm coming"

Kamala- "Dougie, owe owe this freaking hurts"

Doug- "breathe in and out, Christina's coming, your doing awesome, I'm so proud of you"  Doug gives her a kiss on her forehead.

Christina walk into the room to see how Kamala is progressing

Kamala- "ow ow, ow Dougie!!!!!"

Doug is sitting in the chair next to Kamala's bed holding her hand

Christina "Kamala, Maya said you are feeling pressure?"

Kamala- "yes lots of it, and it hurts, half hour after you left after I was eating my jello, I finished half of it though, it feels like my epidural isn't working, did you turn it off"

Christina puts on a pair of gloves and checks Kamala "I'm going to call Dr Grey, you're 10 centimeters and 100 % effaced, we are going to get you set up to start pushing shortly, no I didn't turn it off, I haven't touched it, since Dr. Shepherd put it in, the pressure your feeling is because baby is really low in the birth canal"

Dr Grey walks into the room as Christina is checking Kamala "Dr Grey, I just checked and she's 100% effaced and 10 centimeters."

Christina- "I need two people to come and hold her legs up I need everyone to leave except for Shamalya, Maya, Meena, Barb, Mike and Doug, we are going to get her set up for delivery shortly"

Tony, Nik, leave Kamala's room

Meena- "Nik, take Leela with you and here's a bottle incase she gets hungry"

Nik- "okay, princess, come with daddy"

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