14 weeks check up

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I want to thank KamalalovezDoug for her help with writing this it means a lot 💕

Kamala is 14 weeks ...  7:15 am

Kamala and Doug are in bed, Doug's been up for a half hour, and Kamala's just waking up.

Doug- "Good Morning Beautiful" gives Kamala a kiss

Kamala- "good morning, I have to pee, and I'm hungry"

Doug- "you slept better last night"

Kamala- "I did, except for the 4 times I got up because I had to pee, but at least night I was able to go right back to sleep, let me up, before we have to change our sheets"

Doug lets Kamala up, so she can go potty. "Honey are you going to work today at home or in the real office"

Kamala comes back into their room a few minutes later. "I just woke up, I'm going to try and work at home, I'm not up yet, I wanna cuddle with you for a bit, our bed is so comfortable."

Doug- "I love when we cuddle"

Kamala gets back in bed and into Doug's arms. "You said you were hungry"

Kamala- "I am, but I don't know what I want yet, I smell coffee though, did you make some"

Doug- " I did, how's your tummy feel, you haven't been sick lately so I thought today I would make some, instead of going to Starbucks and getting it, and drinking it on the way home, so I wouldn't make you sick"

Kamala- "thank you, I know how much we love coffee It feels good right now, I haven't been sick in a few weeks.  I'm exhausted, and I just woke up, I'm going to try and work at home today, but I don't know how much work I will get done, Baby's hungry, that coffee smells so good though"

Doug- "do you want some, what would my adorable wife and our baby want for breakfast, did you take your vitamins yet"

Kamala- "yes I did, I took them when I got up a few minutes ago, I want a bowl of fruit loops with chocolate chips, with almond milk, and Iced Mocha Frappachino"

Doug- "I will get you your cereal, I know you love chocolate but so early, you have to have something healthy"

Kamala- "yes this early Baby wants it, and I will have some fruit as well, I'm craving sweets more than usual. I'm going to ask when we go for my check up later this morning and find out what that means, my appointment is at 10:45"

Doug- "I wonder what we are having, I know you keep saying you think it's a girl, you love chocolate and sweets, but the last few weeks, you want more sweets"

Kamala- "I know, and I remember when Meena was pregnant she was craving sweets more then usual with Amara and Leela, and so did Maya when she was pregnant with Meena, and if you look at my bump is more in the middle of my tummy and I read if your bump is lower then it's a girl, and your more tired with a girl and your morning sickness is more with a girl"

Doug- "maybe Baby is a girl, when can we find out"

Kamala- "18 weeks is when we can find out, and I want to have a gender reveal party, but I'm not sure I will be able to keep the secret until the party, when we have my ultrasound, I wanna know as soon as we can"

Doug- "I know you won't be able to keep that secret especially from Maya, you tell her everything, who is going to set up the gender reveal party"

Kamala- "Maya wants to, I did the reveal for Meena for both Amara and Leela, and I did Jen's gender reveal as well"

Doug- "I know you did Meena, and Jen's gender reveal, we had so much pink confetti, and the cake you made was really good, I liked how when you made the cake for Leela, and when Meena and Nick cut it, inside of the cake was strawberry, Meena was so excited she was having another girl"

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