labor part 3

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this ❤️

an hour later... 9 am

Maya, Meena, are in Kamala's room while Kamala has a much stronger contraction, they are eating breakfast, while Doug is sitting in the chair next to Kamala's bed holding her hand.

Kamala- "this freaking hurts Dougie, I need pain meds, this is worse then cycle cramps, why did you freaking have to touch me, this is all your fault"

Doug- "breathe you're so beautiful, hold my hand"

45 seconds later ...

Kamala- "that one is over, that one hurt much more then others, Dougie, my back hurts, rub it"

Doug- "sit up Honey, so I can get behind you and rub your back"

Doug is sitting behind Kamala so he can rub her back, and he starts rubbing her back.

Kamala- "lower Dougie"

Kamala- "I'm hurting, I need pain meds Dougie, get Christina, see if I can have some pain meds, when Dr Grey checked me when we got here I was 3 and a half centimeters, and 50% effaced, where's Mommy"

Maya- "she's on her way"

Christina comes in to check on Kamala

Christina- "Kamala, I'm going to check to see if you made any progress, do you want some jello or a popsicle, or ice chips, that's all your allowed to have"

Kamala has a much stronger contraction as soon as Christina walks in

Doug is looking at the monitor and "Honey, get ready your having a contraction, hold my hand" Kamala is squeezing Doug's hand.

Kamala- "I want drugs!!! this hurts, it's worse than cycle cramps, ow this freaking hurts, I want drugs now!, you had to touch me didn't you"

Doug- "Honey, breathe in and out, you're so beautiful, I love you"

Christina- "Doug, when did the contraction start"

Doug- "right when you walked in"

A minute and a half later...

Kamala- "that one is over, that one hurt more and lasted longer, Christina can I have an epidural yet, I'm hurting, exhausted, I didn't sleep much last night"

Christina- "Kamala, relax, let me exam you and I will tell you" Christina puts on some gloves and she exams Kamala, "your 4 centimeters, and 60% effaced. I will ask Dr. Grey to order you an epidural, do you want jello or popsicle?"

Kamala- "thank you, tell them to hurry up, I'm hurting, strawberry jello please"

Christina goes back to the nurses station, "Dr. Grey, Kamala's 4 centimeters and hurting, she wants an epidural"

Dr. Grey- "okay, I will call for one"

~Kamala's room~

Meena- "Auntie, how are you feeling"?

Kamala- "this freaking hurts, I need drugs now, this hurts worse then cramps do during my cycle, this is all your fault Dougie you are never touching me again"

Doug- "Meena, contraction"

Meena- "I see that, how far apart are they and how long are they lasting"

Doug- "they are 10 minutes apart, and they are lasting 45 - 90 seconds"

Kamala- "that one's over, Meena, I'm hurting, I need drugs"

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