Lunch with Auntie part 2

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this🥰

Maya lays Kamryn down on the changing pad that is on the coffee table and changes Kamryn's diaper. "Kamryn, I know you don't like to have your diaper changed, but it smells like popcorn"

Maya changes Kamryn's diaper and she puts her pants back on, and she holds her while she is in the recliner, Auntie's going to read you a book, Momala said you like this book about animals"

An hour and a half later...

Maya puts Kamryn's pacifier trying to comfort her, but it's not working, Kamryn is looking at Maya. "Kamryn, I know what your looking at, and she picks up Kamryn's pacifier, she spit it out, Auntie doesn't have any milk for you, it's time we go and get Momala, she has milk for you"

Kamala comes into the family room a few minutes later. "Sis, thank you for babysitting, I would still be sleeping but I heard Kamryn crying and I'm all wet, I gotta get more nursing pads when we go to Target next, I only wear them when we are not at home"

Maya- "Kamryn, Momala's here, she's going to feed you"

Kamala- "Kamryn it's okay, Mommy's here, let me get my pillow and unsnap my tank top, I know what you want, and let's try to be quiet, and not wake Daddy up, he's still sleeping."

Kamala sits on the couch with her pillow and Kamryn starts nursing.

Maya- "after you and Doug went to take your nap, I changed Kamryn's diaper, which she didn't like, and then after I changed her and got her dressed, we sat in your recliner and we read the animal book, you said she likes, and she napped on my shoulder, I did put her pacifier in, but she spit it out and put her thumb in, does she not like her pacifier?"

Kamala- "it depends, sometimes she does, sometimes she likes her thumb, I think because when she was inside me she could find her thumb and with her pacifier she doesn't know how to put it in herself yet"
Maya- "Meena, called while you were napping, and I asked her on her way home from work to stop and get you more nursing pads, and the vitamin d drops and she said she would"

Kamala- "tell Meena thank you, and I will pay her when she comes, I will send her $ thru apple pay"

Maya- "Mommy called also, she going to come after work, she wants to know how Kamryn's checkup went"

15 minutes later...

Kamala looks and she sees Kamryn unlatched, she snaps her tank top, and she puts the burp cloth on her shoulder, and rubs Kamryn's back and a few minutes later she burps and she also spit up a little bit, Kamala wipes Kamryn's mouth, with the burp cloth, "Maya can I have a piece of my cake now with some ice cream"

Maya- "of course, let me get you some cake, I'm going to wait on the ice cream, Kamryn's not happy"

Kamryn starts crying

Kamala- "Princess, what's wrong, do you want more milk, this doesn't sound like your hungry cry, but let's see if that's what you want"

Kamala unsnaps her tank top, Kamryn won't latch on even with Kamala helping her. "You don't want milk, Mama's going to hold you, you want your pacifier, I know you don't need to be changed because I changed you a few minutes ago, when you were done with your milk"

Kamala puts Kamryn's pacifier in, but Kamryn doesn't keep it in, she spits it out a few minutes later, "Maya, can you please get her pacifier, she spit it out, and I can't bend down at the moment to get it off the floor, it needs to be washed"

Maya- "of course, I will get it"

Maya comes back a few minutes later with a plate of cake and a fork for Kamala.

Kamala holding Kamryn and she notices her forehead feels warm. "Thank you for the cake"

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