Going Home part 3

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Kamala-"Kamryn, I know what you want and its not your mittens"

Kamala sits down on in the chair and and unsnaps her tank top and is holding Kamryn on the nursing pillow and Kamryn latches right on. Doug sees that Maya sent him a text and she said she's here.

Doug- "Honey, Maya's coming, and I will be back in a few minutes, I have to get a surprise for you"

Kamala- "okay"

Maya comes into Kamala's room "wow, Sis, she's really going at it, and here's your Frappuccino, I knew Doug was going to ask me to stop and get you one"

Kamala- "Hi Maya, yes, she is, she was sucking on her mittens, so I knew she was hungry, she usually does that or she starts crying. Dougie went to get me a surprise, Where's Tony, in your text that you sent me you said both of you were coming, Momala needs her coffee"

Maya "yes how are you feeling Momala? Tony dropped me off after we went to your house, I started a load of laundry, Mommy was cooking, and he will be over later, he wanted us to spend some time together, what's wrong you have been crying"

Kamala- "wonderful, but very sore, everything hurts especially when I have to go potty, and very tender, exhausted but its all worth it, she takes a sip of her coffee, this is coffee, what they brought Dougie didn't taste good, I tried it, I had a meltdown Kamryn was crying, she wouldn't burp, I knew she was still hungry, at the time, she only nursed for 10 minutes, my right side was really full, I feel like crap, I didn't really sleep last night, this bed isn't comfortable, it burns when I pee, and hurts even worse when I have to go potty."

Maya- "remember your jeep is here and I know Doug could have drove home, but I knew either one of you probably didn't sleep much and you wanted coffee so I asked Tony to bring me, Mommy was going to, but she's cooking, and Meena was grocery shopping"
Maya- "how long does Kamryn nurse for, and yes going potty will hurt right now but listen to your sister, and I'm sure Doug has told you the same thing, don't hold it in, when you feel it, just push it out, I know how you are feeling, so does Meena, and it will get better, you had a baby, you have to heal, and I know you can be stubborn at times, but let me, Dougie, Mommy, Meena help you especially right now, promise"

Kamala- "depends on how hungry she is, usually around 20 minutes to half hour, and she's done on the right side, can you please give me the burp cloth so I can burp her, then if she wants, I will put her on the left side, yes, Dougie has told me that and so did Dr. Grey, Lexie and Christina, which is what I did, I had some prunes with my oatmeal for breakfast, I promise, when we get home, hopefully I can get a nap in my bed, I slept on Dougie's shoulder last night that was more comfortable then this bed"

Maya- "yes, can I burp her?"

Kamala- "yes of course" Kamala gives Kamryn to Maya while she puts in dry nursing pads, and snaps her tank top, Maya I will be back, I gotta go potty, I'm cramping so much right now, I feel like its coming, I want to try and see if I can go myself, but if I need you I will call you"

Kamala gets up and goes in the bathroom

Maya puts the burp cloth on her shoulder and gently rubs Kamryn's back and she burps, and Kamryn starts crying, "I think you want Momala, you're trying to nurse on my shoulder, and I know what your looking at"

A few minutes later she comes back she's in tears

Maya- "I know you went, you are crying, and is Kamryn using a pacifier, I was trying to calm her while you were in the bathroom, but I didn't see one"

Kamala- "it hurts so much, can you please get me the pad on the tray its an ice pack, fold it in half until you hear a popping sound and then shake it and that activates the ice pack, and then open it for me, so I can put it on, yes I did go, it hurt so much to push but I did it, and I feel a little better, I'm still cramping, but at least I don't have that I have to go potty feeling at the moment"

Maya- "okay, here is it, do you want me to put it on for you, I know it hurts to bend"

Kamala- "yes please, Dougie's been doing that too"

Kamala takes off her shorts, and Maya puts on the ice pack pad on her underwear then she puts her shorts back on. "Thank you and much better and I'm not using one yet, I want to wait till she gets better at nursing, then I will give her one, I have to help her right now, she latches on good, but sometimes I need to help her latch on. please put her mittens back on, so she doesn't scratch herself again, it's okay princess Momala's right here, I know your hungry"

Kamala sits down in the chair and unsnaps her tank top and Kamryn latches on and starts nursing.

Maya- "again?"

Kamala- "yes, she scratched her cheek in the middle of the night Lexie showed me how to clip her nails, and we have to keep her scratch clean with Neosporin"

Doug comes back into Kamala's room with a vase with roses in it.

Doug walks over and gives Kamala a kiss on her cheek and then gives Kamryn a kiss on her forehead

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Doug walks over and gives Kamala a kiss on her cheek and then gives Kamryn a kiss on her forehead. "I see Kamryn having her snack, and you have your coffee the coffee here doesn't taste good, and you have been crying"

Kamala- "she is and she was a very good girl when she got her shot, I was, I felt like I had to go potty, and I did, Dougie, those flowers are so beautiful"

Doug- "they are for you, I'm so proud of you, I know you're hurting right now, and I wanted to cheer you up, you have that look on your face that you have to go potty or are cramping because you're starting to heal?"

Kamala- "yes, I'm cramping so much right now, it hurts and I went potty a few minutes ago, can you ask Christina if I can have more Advil"?

Doug- "yes"

Doug pushes the call button and Christina comes in a few minutes later.

Christina- "Kamala, what do you need"

Kamala- "more Advil, I'm cramping, and I have already went potty twice, so I know it's not that kind of cramping"

Christina- "yes I will be right back, with your Advil and an yogurt pouch"

Christina goes and gets Kamala some Advil and a yogurt pouch she co,es back a few minutes later.

Kamala- "thanks"

Christina- "you're welcome"

Kamala takes her Advil and eats her yogurt.

Maya- "Hey Doug, I brought Kamala her coffee and I brought you one as well, yes I asked Kamala if she needed help and she said she wanted to try by herself but I was right here if she needed me, I did put her ice pack pad on for her though"

Doug- "thank you, Kam asked me to text you to bring it, and thank you for my coffee, the coffee here is not that good, thanks Maya, I had to hold her hand earlier when she went, and I also had to put her pad on"

Maya- "I got it as Tony and I were leaving to come and get you, Mommy is cooking all of your favorites"

Kamala- "I can't wait, the food here was okay, except for the greek salad, that was good"

Kamryn has unlatched...

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