Kamryn meeting Michelle part 4

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I would like to thank KamalalovezDoug 4 her help with writing this

Doug- "Kamryn, I know you don't like to get changed, but you were all wet"

Kamryn's crying

Kamala- "Kamryn, it's okay, Momala's here, I will feed you then we are going to back and Michelle will hold you while Mommy finishes her lunch, and I saw that you got another present"

Kamala sits on her and Doug's bed and she has her pillow on her lap and she unsnaps her tank top and Kamryn latches on the right side and starts nursing.  Doug sits next to Kamala on the bed.

Doug- "look at Kamryn go, she must be hungry"

Kamala- "Dougie, this is the only food she eats, and remember her tummy is not very big"

Doug- "I know, she's adorable, and so are you, I love you so much"

Kamala- "she is adorable and I love you so much, both of you, can you please get me a clean burp cloth, the one you used needs to be washed" 

Doug- "of course, after I get a kiss"

Kamala gives Doug a kiss

Doug gets off their bed and gets a burp cloth off their dresser, and bring it back to Kamala.

15 minutes later...

Kamala looks and she sees that Kamryn has unlatched, Kamala puts the burp cloth on her shoulder, and she snaps her tank top up, and she rubs Kamryn's back and a few minutes later Kamryn burps and she also spits up a little bit, on the burp cloth and on Kamala's tank top. "I need another tank top, Kamryn spit up on this one, when I was burping her"

Doug- "okay, I will get you one, which color do you want"

Kamala- "don't matter I have denim shorts on"

Doug- "okay, here take that one off and I will give you this grey one"

Kamryn starts crying

Kamala- "thanks, Kamryn, it's okay, Mommy's going to change her shirt, what's wrong, does your tummy hurt, I know that look your trying to go potty and it hurts, I know how you feel, it hurts Mommy sometimes to go potty"

Doug gives Kamala her tank top, "Babe, let me change Kamryn, and you change your shirt"

Kamala- "thanks, rub Kamryn's tummy, like we used to do"

Doug- "okay, Princess, let Daddy rub your tummy"

Kamala takes her tank top off and puts on her clean one

Doug picks Kamryn up and walks over to the changing table that is in their room, "Mommy looks hot"

Kamala- "thank you, Daddy's handsome too"

Doug lays Kamryn on the changing table and takes off her pants, and takes off her diaper, "Babe,  I need the rash cream, Kamryn's red, when I changed her a few minutes ago, she didn't have a diaper rash and now she does, could that be why she's fussy, or is she having a growth spurt"

Kamala walks over to the changing table and looks, "she is really red, put on her cream and then since it's warmer out now, just put her onesie on after we put her diaper on, once Michelle and Maya leave I will put a potty pad in the bassinet, and we will take off Kamryn's diaper, and let her rash get some air"

Doug- "okay, princess it's okay, Daddy's going to put on your rash cream, and it will make your rash feel better"

Doug puts on Kamryn's rash cream and then he puts on her diaper and then her onesie and snaps it up, and then he washes his hands with the baby wipes, and puts the wet diaper in the diaper genie, and he picks Kamryn up, and she puts her thumb in her mouth, and lays on his shoulder.

Kamala- "let's go back into the family room, I'm hungry and I know Michelle wants to hold Kamryn"

Doug- "yes she does, and she brought a gift bag for Kamryn"

Kamala- "Kamryn is loved by everyone, she gotten so many gifts, I gotta write out her thank you notes"

Doug- "would you like me to help you, or why don't we order them from Snapfish, we have her newborn pictures that were taken, we can use that for the front and then you type what you want to say and we will order them, so you don't have to write them all out, and I will type up labels for the envelopes"

Kamala- "that would be awesome, can you do that, and sign all 3 names to the card"

Doug- "of course I will, I think you're going to need a nap soon"

Kamala yawns "I do, but I'm also hungry"

Kamala, Doug and Kamryn, come back into the family room.

Kamala- "Michelle, you can hold Kamryn, while I finish my lunch, then I know you said you had the afternoon off, but I need a nap"

Michelle- "Kamala, that's alright, I know how new borns are, would you mind if Maya and I babysit while you and Doug both take a nap"

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