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Fly high technoblade 🕊🤍

Words: 1093
Dream was sitting on stream with George, sapnap, and Karl. It was all going swell, and everyone was having a good time.
"NO I DIDN'T" George yelled into his mic, so it his voice could somehow be louder. He was so loud, dream heard it from down the hall, along with Sapnap.

He didn't really know what the brunette was mad about, but he didn't need too. Listening to Sapnap and Karl laugh at him was enough to give him enough happiness to keep up the conversation. I mean it was funny, George's stupid face as he denied anything and everything.
As he was zoned out staring at his keyboard, he suddenly really felt the goldish rings on his fingers. It was slightly annoying, so he put them aside.

Time went on, and Dream started to feel more and more things he could usually ignore. The dirty blonde hair resting on his forhead, the leather from the chair, or even his shirt.
He changed out of the shirt he was wearing to something more loose. As he placed a slightly oversized hoodie on his shoulders, he felt every twine of wool, and cotton touch him. It made his skin crawl.

Like someone was running their fingers down your back. It started on his back, but moved to his four arms and feet. He was slowly losing his mind. The blonde shifted in his seat until Sapnap noticed. Not being able to sit still was something common someone with adhd would do, so He thought noting of it.

Soon in was becoming unbearable. It felt like dreams body was being infested with bugs. He scratched where he felt the crawling, and adjusting his clothing several times. In doing so, he had piles of clothes from his closet spread around the room. This all happening while on a call.
The feeling of the fabric on him was messing with more than it usually would. He felt the rug carpet beside his beside table.

The feeling of more than one type of texture on him, was making him to mental.

The Floridian said goodbye to his friends and practically sprinted to his dresser. He pulled out a pair of socks, and slipped him over his feet. It was becoming to much. To much touching his slightly tan skin.
Just as he thought whatever kind of sensory issue he was having was over, it all hit him like a wave. Not a wave in a fish pond, but a full on thunderstorm in the ocean kind of wave.

He felt everything. This was the first time Something like this had happened; so Dream had no idea what to do.
The crawling was everywhere. On his legs, arms, back. Chest, neck, and even his hair. In a fit of anger and frustration, he grabbed his hair for any kind of relief.

It hurt. He was almost pulling out locks of his thick hair. He was pacing back and fourth then suddenly dropped. He leaned against the open dresser and just screamed. After a moment. The blonde noticed how the wood from the dresser pressed again his hoodie, which then pressed against his back. That mixed with the air from the fan, or how he could feel the way his skin felt on his body; he bursted into tears.

George heard him basically screaming at nothing particularly, so he muted his mic and went to see what was up with his friend.

As George walked in, he saw Dream. Just sitting there. (🧍) he was in the middle of the room, sitting criss cross. He was looking down at his hoodie while gripping onto his hair. George couldn't see his face so he thought he was just trolling. Maybe playing some kind of sick joke?
"What the hell dream? What's wrong with you?" He joked.

Can you blame him though? This is how it always was. The two would mock each other all the time. So he thought this was just normal dream. He wasn't used to any of this.

Dream was unable to think. To much. It was all too much. To much touching him, to much noise, too much light, it was overwhelming. He was so caught up in thought, he only heard one part of George's sentence. "What's wrong with you".
He didn't understand it was a joke. Dream though he was really being serious. And it hurt. He never thought George would say anything like that too him. More tears came roaring down his cheeks as he looked up to see George.

George finally got the idea something wasn't right.
Dream never cries. Well, never infront of him at least.
"I- I can't .. it's . To mu- .. much " the taller weeped into his hand. George didn't know what was going on. He just sat down next to him. He did feel bad for not giving dream the right reaction. Nonetheless, he let dream try to explain why he was crying on his bedroom floor. Or why he had all his clothes ripped out of his closet.

"I can feel it" dream choked out while waving his hand in the air; trying to get rid of the feeling of skin.
"What is 'it'?"
"EVERYTHING" Dream said standing up. Even the floor was too much.

"Hey um, calm down this won't last forever"

"I can feel everything! It's to many different things- I-"

The taller wasn't sure how much more of this he could take. In Reality, it had been maybe 6-7 minutes of this panic, but to dream it felt like hours. He finally snapped and practically ripped off the hoodie he was wearing. No longer caring if George saw him without a shirt.

Of course, George was blushing. He was red. And I mean red. And unfortunately he had to take a moment and realize, instead of thirsting over dream, he should be helping him calm down.

"Come here" George said trying to help him take his mind off all the different things he could feel.

And so, the blonde, out of impulse, wrapped his bare arms around George and just nuzzled his face into his best friend chest. It was helping. Ever so slightly, he coming back down to earth. No longer feeling crawling up his back, or his hair on his neck.

Maybe it was George who distracted him, or the butterflies he was getting from being so close to him, but dream was on cloud 9.

He knew once this over, the teasing would start, but nothing mattered at that moment. Only him, George, and nothing else touching him.
My, my, Dom grge for the win

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