Sick again

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Prompt: dream hiding the fact he's sick till the point of passing out

Words: 1471
I made this during Christmas, so excuse the references 😭

Slumping out of his room, Dream sniffled. The familiar feeling of being sick washing over him for each step he took.

For the past week, he'd been trying to hide the fact he was sick.
Each time he sneezed too loud, or took too long to catch his breath, George would stare knowingly at him.

After all, he knew Dream the best.
He knew when he was sad, when he anxious, or when he having adhd episodes.
He knew something was up with his boyfriend, but couldn't exactly see what.

Dream was pretty good at hiding it. He didn't want to worry George and Sapnap. Especially since it was so close to Christmas. Not wanting to interrupt Christmas plans because he was ill.

But when he had to leave stream to throw up, it was proving to be more difficult than he was expected.

Sapnap walked in on him throwing up, but he managed to convince him it was just something he ate.

The snow wasn't helping at all. Causing his sickness to dwell in him. Though it was nice to stare out his bedroom window and see the sun reflecting off the white snow. Sparkling in the golden hour.

He'd googled the symptoms over and over again. Never really knowing what was causing him to become so weak. Eventually he landed on a chest infection.

But his suspicions were confirmed when he was watching movies with George on Christmas Eve.

They were watching 'Christmas vacation', and occasionally giggling at the strange jokes. Commenting on the quality, and what they would do if the characters were them.

It was when dream felt a sudden dryness in his throat that he knew George would find out.

The brunette could feel the unsteady breaths Dream would let out, and occasional sniffles.

Coughing lightly, Dream saw George eyeing him.
George knew Dream was trying to play off being sick, and he was going to let him. If dream wanted to try and get over his sickness by himself, he could do that.

Mumbling something, dream coughed into his hand. Slowly, each cough become more violent. His throat spasmed at how awful each cough was.

George's eyes widened, thinking dream was going to vomit. But when he hunched over in pain, George immediately reached for the box of tissues beside the couch.

The brunette watched as dream looked at him. Almost like he begging George to make it stop.
Each noise that ripped from his throat burned at his vocal cords.

The more dream coughed, George started to understand what was about to happen. Forcing dream to lean over slightly. Holding the soft tissue to dreams lips.

Dreams eyes were forced shut, as blood was being coughed up from him. Soaking into the tissue as George patted his back.

"Dream." George said jokingly. Knowing dreams attempt to keep his sickness a secret was over.

Conisdering he was coughing up blood, there was no way convince George he was okay.

After his hacking fit, he managed to keep his composer until the movie ended.
George even made him hot chocolate to sooth the ache in his throat.

It took thirty minutes of convincing George to let him watch another movie instead of sleeping. Though he desperately needed the rest, he wanted to make the most of his Christmas Eve.
There was no way he'd spend it sleeping.

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