Stuffed animals

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Prompt: Dream is  super attached to stuffed animals

Dream is twenty two years old, and he lives with his two best friends.

Well, best friend and boyfriend.

When the time came that George came to Florida, Dream practically sprinted to the airport to see him. Hug him, kiss him, and even  just see him.

His friend— no, boyfriend George was finally coming to stay with the two. It was a long awaited visit.
And especially since they were dating now.
Sapnap was always supportive when others weren't, and overall the third wheel.

It was all going well, except for one thing.
Dream was a bit childish.

He wasn't like a man baby or anything, but enjoyed things that kids liked.
You could say he never really grew out of liking things that gave him comfort when he was younger.

For example, he'd still thoroughly enjoy watching cartoons, leaving the hallway light on at night, or other things that children do.

You may find that weird, but it was just him. It wasn't a questionable fetish, but a way to keep himself content and happy.

Sapnap never mentioned it, but still knew.

He found it kinda sweet. Especially since everyone's a bit child-like at times.

George knew nothing about this. He'd never been able to see Dream outside of a computer screen.
He did know that dream liked building really complex Lego sets.

So one of the first things he did with his boyfriend was build a Lego set.
Dream had a look of childish innocence, yet the exact opposite at the same time.

It was adorable to see someone so happy to do something so simple.
He was a literal kid in a candy store.

Although that is endearing on its own, the time came for when the two had to sleep.

George did indeed have a room of his own. It was across from Sapnaps, and bedside dreams.

But he wanted to share with dream. Just for his first night.

He was too shy to ask, so he made his way to the his new room. The room was square, and his bed was on the back corner. It had a small closet, and desk pressed against the wall.
Slightly small, but it worked.

The brunette changed into a loose hoodie and shorts, then laid down.
George was utterly exhausted. The flight from England to Florida was a long one, and jet lag didn't help.

He couldn't fall asleep though. He wanted Dream to cuddle him so badly.

Dream on the other hand..

He'd also wanted to ask George to cuddle, but shyness got to him. It didn't usually as he was pretty cocky, but George made him feel some type of way.

And so, he was planning to go his room and ask George to come back and lay with him.

A Little fact about dream, was he hated sleeping alone. The thought of it made him feel lonely, despite George being a door away.

So in all the months George was awaiting his visa, Dream would pile his bed with pillows and stuffed animals.

It made him feel less alone. He'd been forced to grow up quickly, as his childhood home life wasn't peaceful.
The constant sound of his parents fighting, made him grow up way too fast.

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