Brushed away stress

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Prompt: (two requests) leaked photos + unhealthy coping with stress

Words: 1626

Dream knew he wasn't very good at handling stress. It wasn't a secret that he sometimes gets carried away with the things he does to counteract stress.

Maybe it was normal to stress and stress until normal coping activities had no effect, but he didn't think so.

George used the same coping mechanisms over and over again. Which always seemed to have an affect, and work.
Dream never understood why that never worked for him.

Recently, he'd found out that one of his exes recognized him from YouTube.

This particular ex was known by Dream as being controlling, and manipulative.
So when she contacted him, it really hit him hard.

She had sent him photos that he'd sent her when they were together. It was years ago, but the photos made his heart drop.

The photos were explicit of his body. Showing everything below his waist.

George did not know about these photos, as he was extremely embarrassed of them. He didn't want George to see him differently because he sent them.

As the days went on she began to threaten Dream with them. Saying she'd post them on twitter, or send them to his friends.

It really struck Dream when she said she'd send them to his friends. Being unable to fathom Sapnap, or karl having an explicit photo of his crotch.

He trusted her with those. Truly believing she wouldn't even save them.

He blocked her, obviously. But the threat still remained in his head.
What if she did? He'd be so screwed.

He didn't tell George even when the mere thought of it brought him to tears. He did not want his boyfriend to know that he sent those kinds of photos before.
Even if it was years ago.

So as he was trying to come up with ways to cope with the mass amounts of stress he was feeling, George came home from being away.

When the brunette came up to find his boyfriend, he was confused to see him brushing his hair.
His hair already seemed to be combed so there was no need.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" George asked nicely. The question he always asked Dream at least once a day.

"I'm pretty good. I missed you though," dream smiled. Finding his heart beat quicker when George was near.

George laughed lightly, and continued to make conversation. Dream not letting up on brushing his hair even once.

Dream found himself relaxing slightly each time the brush went through his hair. Quickly getting caught up and fascinated with it.

He'd spent some time laying with George, and talking to him throughout the day. Even making lunch for the two of them.
But the whole day only proved he was very good at hiding his stress. Because he was losing it on the inside.

Not being able to go more than an hour without needing something to destress with.
So he probably went back and fourth from his bathroom tons of times. Each time, brushing his hair to the point of it being frizzy and thin.

George noticed very quickly that something wasn't right. Dream getting up to go to the bathroom every hour, sometimes twice, worried him.

When dream got up from the couch to go to the bathroom again, George followed. He didn't know what he was trying to figure out, but hoped he'd understand soon enough.

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