Migraine attack

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Prompt: (requested) George helping dream with a bad migraine

I had a migraine while writing this
Words: 1613

All the signs were there.

Dream had shown all the symptoms of a terrible migraine, yet he was still surprised by it.

He'd been in a depressive episode, his speaking was beginning to not make any sense, he'd been tired, sensitive to everything, and had gone to the bathroom excessively.

George was cuddling him on the bed, when he felt the need to pee for the three hundredth time. Getting up, and stumbling to the bathroom.

George was worried about him, as that was one of the main symptoms of a migraine attack.
Dream was also having trouble responding to him. His words sometimes being slurred, or faulty.

As Dream stepped onto the cold tiles, the lights blinded him. Immediately, he closed his eyes tight. His head throbbing at the bright lights.

Rubbing his eyes, Dream let his irises adjust to the light. Feeling fuzzy, as he groaned in annoyance.
When he finished his business, dream shut the light off as fast as could. Bumping into the wall in a haze.

George saw this, and sat up in sheets. Watching with a cocked brow as Dream made a face of disturbance. Clearly seeming uncomfortable as he very carefully sat back down on the bed.

"Are you okay?" George asked suddenly. Making the other visibly flinch, and put his palms over his ears.

He assumed his voice was too loud, Becuase of dreams visible wince. So he asked again, but quieter. To which dream made a very quiet groan.

He was going to shake his head no, but the throbbing pain in his brain stopped that.

Dream very gently laid his head on the pillow and closed his eyes. His eyebrows were furrowed and upset.

It felt like someone was drilling into his head. The pillow that was once his safest spot, felt like hard rocks against his head.

George watched as dream lay still against the pillow. Squeezing the sheets so hard his knuckles turned white.

George scooted closer to him, and carefully reached his hand to touch dreams hair. Not pulling, but almost petting it.

The whimper that came Dream was enough of an answer for him to awe. He didn't know how to help, but desperately hoped Dream wouldn't be in too much pain.

His stomach hurt, and the migraine that was once bearable turned excruciating.

He reached a hand to grab George's forearm. Mumbling out complaints quietly.

When George asked him to repeat himself, the burning in his head only got worse. 

"I think I'm going to vomit-" Dream babbled out.
He was far too exhausted to even take in what was about to happen.
George's eyes widened, as he wasted no time helping dream out of there shared bed.

The blond gagged, as they stepped into the bathroom. His feet feeling the cold tiles once again.
Before he had a moment to think, George was bending him over to kneel in front of the toilet.

Dizziness did not help his nausea, as he screwed his eyes shut. George's soft hand on his back was the only thing keeping him in reality as he felt himself begin to vomit.

The feeling made his brain build with pressure and his patience dwindle. He just wanted it all to end.

One of his hands held extremely tightly around George's. For dear life holding him.
Dreams already hazy mood was forcing him to be incredibly clingy. He knew he wasn't going to let go of George's hand any time soon.

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