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Prompt: (requested) dreams dad doesn't like dreams grade

Words: 2045
"GEORGE LOOK!!" Dream shrieked happily.

George and Dream were sitting on dreams bed. They had just walked back from their school.

They were both slightly tired, but overall giddy. After the stressful season of Highschool exams, they were extremely relieved.

They had both passed. George with an A, and dream with a B.
They'd just been emailed the results, and Dream couldn't be happier.

Adhd made his school life incredibly difficult, so his grades were not the best. His average was a C, so it really was a surprise to see a higher grade.
Especially on his final.

George had been helping him study.
Every day after school, including weekends, for two whole months.

They'd meet at George's house, and study until frustration got the better of them.

Even after the months, Dream was so happy to getting progress with his grades.
George was especially patient, as dream was not the best Student.
He had a low frustration tolerance, and some questions could really get to him.
Sometimes to the point of him ending up in tears.

The brunette didn't mind helping dream study, as it wasn't a big deal. School came easy for him, so it was almost expected for him help.

George awed, seeing dream run up to him. He was holding his phone, with the results of his test plastered on it.

He had a dopey wide grin, and was kneeling beside him.
George smiled, seeing Dream lightly bounce on his knees from the bed they sat on.

"I GOT A B+ GEORGE!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?" Dream accidentally screamed.

He didn't realize how loud he was being, he was just excited. Being utterly baffled he got a higher grade.

He knew it was because of George's teaching. The blond could only appreciate the never ending patience George had with him.

"Of course I can!! I knew you'd do fine!!"

Smiling, Dream jumped onto George. Wrapping his arms around him, and thanking him over and over again.

The brunette felt dream give him little pecks of kisses. On his neck, and on his cheek.
Just as they were sinking into the feeling of each other, dreams dad walked in.

Quickly hurrying to get up from George, Dream stood attentive. It was almost like a military soldier.

George questioned it, as it wasn't how a son should be addressing his father.
It was far too serious.

"Well?" His father asked.

Gulping, Dream handed his dad his phone. Fiddling nervously with his sleeve.

"A fucking B? That's all you could do?" He sternly stated.

George's heart dropped hearing the harsh words. He'd thought dreams father would be happy, as it was a decently good grade. Especially considering his past.

"I'm sorry" dream mumbled, feeling all happiness from his grade disappear.

"Why is everything you do never good enough? Honestly, what is wrong with you."

George, who was just watching, felt like he should say something. He wouldn't let someone talk to his boyfriend like that.

He was about to speak up before he saw dream look at him. It was heart wrenching look, that told him to stay out of it.

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