Chefs kiss

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Prompt: (requested) Dream try's cooking, but it doesn't go too well.

Sorry for no chapter last week 🙏

This is a shorter one bc I'm currently writing another long chapter so enjoy a filler for now 💪

Words: 1319

It was a regular weekday.

George had been swarmed with editing and streaming. Most of his time being put into finally working on content.

Dream did not have as much to do, so he was happy to just relax. Though it wasn't as nice without George.
He wanted to do something nice for George.
Something that would cheer him up, and make him happy.

So he decided to make George dinner.

It wasn't a hard task, and he definitely wasn't a stranger to cooking. It was pretty late in the evening so he didn't want to start something that would take hours.

Thinking for a few moments, Dream landed on pizza. Who doesn't like pizza?

He smiled at the thought of making George food and having him be proud of him. Wondering if giving gifts actually his love language.

Scouring the fridge, Dream desperately tried to find all the ingredients. He had a recipe pulled up on his phone, and was excited to start cooking.

He laid everything out on the counter, and preheated the oven.

He hoped George would like it. He'd been working so hard, and Dream genuinely wanted him to be happy he made dinner for him.

So as he mixed the ingredients for the dough, he wondered if he was doing it correctly. The dough just didn't look right.
He trusted the recipe over his own judgement, so he continued anyway.

He briefly saw patches scurry past the kitchen. She mewed at her bowl and looked to Dream.

The blond immediately went to find her food. Forgetting about the pizza dough for a moment.

After giving his beloved cat her dinner, he went back to cooking. Tying his apron tighter around his waste.

The feeling of his apron around his waste, and the fact he was cooking for George felt oddly domestic. He didn't really mind, as he was extremely excited to see the finished result.

George was still editing, and had no idea of the surprise waiting for him.

When he left to feed patches he forgot he already added a cup of one of his liquid ingredients. Accidentally, he added it again.

It made it watery, but he was sure he followed the recipe correctly. Yet there was sinking feeling in his gut.

Paying no mind to the feeling, Dream let the dough rest as he got the rest of his ingredients.
He carefully opened the tomato sauce. Flinching when the can lid cut his finger.

Hurrying to find a bandaid, Dream wondered why everything felt so hard. He really did want to make George dinner, but every inconvenience made him feel less motivated.

When he returned, he began to grate the cheese. Taking it upon himself to taste-test some of it.
In reality he was just hungry.

When the time came for the dough to be done sitting, Dream felt giddy. Bouncing on his feet as he began to roll it out.

Despite the extra liquid, the dough looked decent. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good. Dream decided to just assume it would be better once it cooked.

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