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Prompt: George goes out of town while Dream looks after their baby

Part 2 to baby fever

Requests are always open :]
Words: 2168

George had left to see family only three days ago. Dream had agreed to stay home with their baby, as it was not ideal to go on plane with a one year old. Especially a plane that is almost a twelve hour flight.

Dream absolutely adored being a dad, though he was still getting used to it. The many responsibilities, and tasks deeming overwhelming at times.

They had only adopted their son a few months ago. It was stressful yet extremely rewarding.
His name was Ian. He had curly black hair, and tan skin. And for a baby, was usually very happy. There was not too much crying or whining. Usually just constant giggles and babbles.

But the few days George had been gone, Ian had just been having a bad week. After just getting over a high fever, the one year old was a mess.

But so, Dream was sat on the floor of the nursery. Bouncing the baby in his arms. desperately trying to get him to fall asleep.

He'd been trying to get him to fall asleep for hours. It was 11pm, while the baby was supposed to be in bed at 8pm.
He was desperate to get the baby to sleep. Even taking him for a late car ride, as he read that car rides help infants sleep.

Tears streamed down Ian's face, while dream sighed. Patting tiny curls, and rocking him back and fourth gently.

"Shh, shh, shhh" dream cooed mindlessly. Eye-bags being practically carved into his face.

Screaming, Ian squirmed and kicked in dreams hold. The sound of his cry's hurting and ringing in dreams ears. Sending him to spiral into ways to calm him down.

"Bath? How about a bath?" Dream rambled. Standing up, and stumbling from the nursery and to the bathroom.
He drew a bath as he watched the water fill the tub. Dream just wanted to go to sleep. He loved spending time with his son, but this was too much.

He needed to sleep.

He set Ian in the bathtub, as he watched big brown eyes ogle him. Wishing he was old enough to talk, so he could just tell him why he wouldn't stop crying.

The only words Ian could say were 'dada'. Which wasn't surprising as he had two of them.

Water splished around the baby.
Dream gently pouring water over his head, still trying to get him used to being in water.

That was until he knocked the cup dream was holding to pour the water, out of his hand. Splashing dreams face with the water.

Blinking absentmindedly, Dream groaned loudly. Pulling at his hair, while getting up to get a towel.

He was done. So done with all of it.
He wanted to just cuddle his baby and sleep.

George needed to be there to help him. He was going to pass out if he stayed awake any longer. The blond not having slept for a full day.

Dream himself was almost in tears. He was so frustrated, and so sleep deprived, he was about to lose it.

Wrapping Ian in a fluffy towel, he carried him out of the bathroom. Using the fabric to soak water droplets up from tan skin.

The entire time, a constant whine came from the baby. Squirming and whiny noises hurting dreams ears.

"I got you, don't worry hun"

Ian wailed at the top of his lungs as Dream dried him. Reacting to the fabric of the towel in a way dream could only assume he didn't like the texture.
So like the good dad he his, he switched the towel for a different one. Almost easing Ian's loud and annoying cries.

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