Insufficient Funds

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Prompt: (requested 2x) Dream doesn't have a lot of money, and his card gets declined in front of George

Words: 2350

Dream nervously smiled as he stepped out of his car. Opening the car door for his boyfriend.

Calling George his boyfriend was something he was still getting used to. After years of being infatuated with the other, he was still surprised to even have the opportunity to date him.

George was his best friend, and now his boyfriend. Which was a thought dream had only dreamed of. Now, it was a reality.

George was perfect in every way. Always taking care of him every chance he got.
George would cheer him up if he was sad, let him cry on his shoulder when he was upset, cuddle him when he was sick, and so much more.

George loved dream just as much, and was looking forward to this particular day.
In fact, it was their first date.

It was almost seven, and the sun was beginning to set. The warm air drifted into a chilly, yet comforting aura.

They'd gotten together only about a month ago, so it was all very new to them. Especially to dream who had never had a boyfriend before. Going out of his way for George to think he was the perfect partner.

There was one secret he was hiding from George. A secret that was probably worth telling.

Ever since the pandemic, Dream had been struggling. Maybe struggling was a severe understatement, but dream was dead broke.

His father had passed away, and left his mom with absolutely nothing. He'd been helping her with payments, and bills constantly. Most of his money went to her, so she could support his younger sister as well.

There was barely enough to pay his own bills. Let alone send even more to his other siblings who were left so suddenly by the death of his father.
Dream was the wealthiest, so it made sense that he'd support his family.

He didn't have the heart to say he couldn't afford it anymore. Their jobs wouldn't cover half the money they needed.
They were more important to him than anything.

But he had no money. Every earning went to straight to his family. He only ever wanted to protect them.
He couldn't even afford to buy some of his groceries.

He'd moved into a tiny apartment, and was becoming extremely unhappy. George was his light, and was who he spent most of his time taking to. Over the phone, and now in real life.

George didn't know that dream was financially hurting. If he had, he would've done something to help.
But dream was the kind of person to pretend he was okay until he couldn't anymore.

So as Dream opened the door for his boyfriend, he grinned. Desperately hoping he was doing everything right.

It was his first date. His first date of his entire life was with his best friend of years, and he couldn't be happier.

When they got to their table, Dream nervously fiddled with his dress shirt. Blushing at seeing George lovingly stare at him.

"Is this your first date, Dream?" George giggled. Seeing how aimless Dream looked sitting across from him.

The restaurants lights illuminated their faces in a way that was utterly gorgeous. The table was dim, and romantic.
The people around them talked, yet the noise was drowned out by dream. Who could only focus on the beautiful brunette in front of him. Smiling so nicely at him.

It was a fancier restaurant, Because dream wanted George to think he was perfect. Only wanting to be the best boyfriend he could be.

He'd saved up all week to pay for the dinner. He skipped his weekly grocery trip, so he had almost nothing to cook. Meaning he was significantly malnourished from the lack of food.

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