I'm sorry, George..

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Prompt: (requested) Dream accidentally breaks one of George's things

Words: 2138

Dream adored George.

He made him incredibly happy, and overall blissful. Always feeling perfectly at ease, yet nervous butterfly's around him.

It wasn't always so east though.
In fact, Dream had taken a while to used to being in a relationship with the brunette.

He'd been used to an abusive one. I which he wasn't allowed out of. His ex-girlfriend was absolutely awful to him.

Nothing he did would ever satisfy her. The way he talked, walked, or even breathed was just always annoying to her.

In her eyes, he was nothing.
Nothing but someone she could manipulate and hurt.
She hurt dream so badly, he even ended up in the hospital at one point.

Dream could handle the physical abuse, and mental abuse relatively fine. Adapting to the pain, by dealing with it by himself. Keeping it from George, Sapnap, and all his friends.

She'd even force him to do sexual things, that he'd said he wasn't comfortable doing.

George had helped him warm up to healthy relationship by taking it slow.
Dreams boundaries were their main priority, as he was most scared for new beginnings.

George had always done the exact opposite of what she had done.

He let him speak up when they fought, let him have food when he wanted, never forced him into anything he wasn't completely okay with, and overall made him realize he wasn't an awful person.

Sure, he'd occasionally do selfish, or wrong things, but everyone does. It's a part of life.
Meaning George didn't mind at all. Dream was human, and people make mistakes.

"Bye, dream! Love you!" George shouted, walking out the door.

Waving bye to george, Dream sighed. He was sat on the couch, and extremely bored.
For an unknown reason, he was motivated.

He wanted to do something. Anything at all.

George had been helping him with a lot recently. He wanted to make it up to him.

George helped him edit, upload videos, and even helped him fall asleep; when insomnia was overwhelming.

George had also recently bought a new chair. It was dark blue, and was made in sleek black leather. Overall, it was a very nice gaming chair.

It had just come in the mail not too long ago, so Dream had the idea to build it for him.
A nice surprise the brunette would be happy to come home to.

And so, Dream wandered off the find the box cutter, and a screwdriver. Heart set on building the new chair for his boyfriend.

Sitting down to start, Dream sliced the carefully wrapped cardboard. Seeing the all pieces inside the large box.

As more time passed, Dream was pretty happy with himself. It wasn't too hard of a job, but enough to make him proud.

All he had left to do was screw the wheels in.

Pushing the plastic into the leg of the chair, Dream smiled. Feeling excited to see George's reaction to his brand new, built chair.

The snow landed on the ground, causing a light frost to dwell against the windows. It made everything peacefully quiet.

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