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hyperhidrosis : excessive sweating
(For this story, it will be in his hands)

Dream used to have a girlfriend. Normal for a 22 year old man, but the things that made this different from most relationships, was the fact she was awful to him.

She'd get mad over the dumbest mistakes, and constantly bully dream for something he couldn't control.
At first it didn't affect him much, but the more time went on, the more he began to curse himself.

What was the thing she made fun of? It was a condition dream had. He had hyperhidrosis. Meaning his hands were constantly sweating.
He'd be cold, and his hands would be dripping with sweat. Or he'd be texting someone, and water droplets were left on his phone screen.

He was never that insecure about it until she came along.
She'd go to hold his hand, and complain that his hands were clammy. He'd run his hands through her hair, and his fingers wouldn't go through smoothly.

She'd always tease and make fun of him. He became so insecure about his hands, he'd avoid physical contact with anyone.
It was hard for him, especially since he adored physical touch from others.

And so, when she dumped him, he overthought every interaction with people.
He'd wonder if they thought he was weird.

Dream could only think of so many excuses for why his hands were always wet. His ex made him believe that sweating was gross, and disgusting.
So he'd say that he'd just washed his hands, or picked up a drink with condensation on the outside.

And most of the time, it was unbelievable and obvious he was lying.

But what could he do? He'd been manipulated and hurt.

George had recently came to Orlando to live dream and Sapnap. He had no idea about the sweating.

The only other person that knew about the sweating was Sapnap.

He wasn't even supposed to know. But his ex told him about it. He understood that dream was insecure about it, so he made an effort to avoid the subject.

When they met at the airport, he noticed dreams hand left a bit of water on his suitcase handle; when he had offered to carry it for him.

But it wasn't a big deal, so he moved on and forgot about it.
That was until he saw his best friend constantly avoiding touching him. It was making George slightly sad. He wanted to hug Dream, and he knew dream liked physical touch. The Brunette wondered if he just didn't want to touch HIM.

It was hurtful in a way.

Once again, it wasn't something to stress over, so he lost the memory in his mind. Completely forgetting about it.

The two friends sat watching a random Disney movie. George was sitting below the couch, leaning his back on the bottom of it.
He was close the coffee table in front of him, but payed no mind to what was on it. 

Dream was sitting beside the coffee table in the centre of the  living space. His head was turned to face the tv, and was fiddling with the contents on the table.

Sapnap was in his room editing a video before a deadline, so he didn't watch the movie with them. 

Dream flipped through the pages of an already open book, when a boring part in the movie began. As he was flipping through, the paper became damp. It now hand a wet spot from his fingers. 

He closed the book and picked up the remote. Mindlessly caressing the different coloured buttons.

The sun was gone, and it was dark in house. The tv was the source of light in the room, and it was relatively quiet. 
George then noticed how quiet the movie actually was.

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