Happy tears

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Prompt: (requested) Dream has bad living conditions, so George helps him

Words: 2296

George and Dream had been dating for almost a year now.
George adored dream. Every time he did anything, George couldn't help but find it adorable.
Today was one of those days dream was making George's heart melt.

The fact was, they had finally decided to move in with each other. George would have waited until they'd been dating longer, but he couldn't.

Dream didn't have a lot of money, and George felt awful knowing what dreams living conditions were.

The blond used to live with his mother, but she had recently passed away. He'd grown up in poverty, so he didn't have nearly enough money to move out. being forced live in an awful apartment.

It was in a shady area, and looked like it would fall down.
George tried to give him some money to move somewhere nicer, but he never accepted. Not wanting to seem like he was using George for money.

The windows were cracked and dusty, the kitchen only had a microwave in it, and there was only one light in the entire place.

When George first saw dreams house, he couldn't help but feel bad. All his stuff could be packed into one suitcase, and he didn't own any furniture.

Dream had nothing. He barley had enough money to pay rent there, so he'd often skip meals.
Which is why George always took Dream to dinner at least once a week. Making sure his boyfriend had eaten a proper food relatively regularly.

The blond didn't have clean water in his house, and didn't have anything he could use to boil water. Strictly relying on the one microwave.

Dream tried to make George not worry about him, but he was worried about himself. He could only afford to buy food once a week, and he didn't own any hygiene products.

George had boughten him shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, and even deodorant. He genuinely couldn't afford it.

The brunette made it clear he didn't owe anything, but Dream had sworn he'd pay it all back one day.

He loved Dream, so offering to let him move in with him was almost a no-brainer.

George had bought a new apartment. It was downtown in the city, and looked over a small park, the lake, and many other tall skyscrapers.

Dream had never seen it before, as George wanted to wait until the day they moved in for him to see.

Dream had his suitcase in hand, as he pressed the elevator buttons. He thought he was going to stay at George's new house for the weekend, not to move in.
He was blissfully unaware of the better life he was about to be given.

George saw the receptionist at the desk when they walked in. She gave Dream a strange look, before rolling her eyes.

George knew why she looked, but didn't want to admit it.
It was because dream was visually a mess. He had a pretty face, but his clothes were years old.
The blond hadn't gotten a new pair of socks in five years.

Ignoring the woman, George walked Dream towards his new home.
They were both so excited, for two completely different reasons.

Opening the apartment door, Dreams mouth dropped.

The place was massive, and had a modern layout.
The furniture was shades of greys and whites, along with beautiful pops of colour. There was massive windows that all went to the floor, and it looked over half the city.

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