Mothers day

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Prompt: grieving dream

Word count: 1080

It was Mother's Day, and Dream had been especially unmotivated. He had been in his bed all day, and didn't answer anyone who tried to call or text him.

There was many reason for Dreams sudden depressive state. He was missing his mom, who had passed away three years prior, and was too embarrassed to speak up about it. He didn't want to be seen as a pussy, or a 'momma's boy' but he was. He was especially close with his mother, and not having her there on her day was tragic.

He would have contacted his loving boyfriend, but didn't want to be a bother. He was probably spending time with his own mum.

George was getting worried.
Dream hadn't answered anyone all day, and it was making his paranoid. Deep down he knew the blond was probably just sulking in his room, or taking some time to himself to grieve. Yet it made him sad he didn't reach out. It wasn't his business, but the two had been dating for months now.

So the brunette made the decision to just go to his house anyway, after showering his mum in fetching love.

And so, George showed up at his boyfriends door, at half past seven. Carefully pushing the key into the lock, and opening the large wooden door.

"Hey dream! It's just me, I wanted to stop by but you you didn't answer?"

He still hadn't received an answer. He knew the blonde was home, so he began to search for him.

His search didn't last long, as the younger was curled up on the sofa.
He had light water on his cheeks, and eyelashes wet and pronounced.

"Baby? Are you okay.."

George knew in his heart why dream looked so unresponsive. He didn't want to admit to anyone that he was even sad. Somehow hoping the pain in his heart would just go away one day.

Dream knew he could talk to George, but feelings got to in the way.

He was the more dominant one in the relationship, he shouldn't be upset.

He was a man.

At least that's what he told himself every time he'd breakdown over the loss of the one who cared for him the most.

He was a man?

"I know you're not okay, Dream"
George said as he sat beside him. Feeling the fabric of the blanket Dream was nuzzled into.

George just watched as the blonde fiddled with loose strings on the blanket.


The brunette eyes travelled to the green ones, staring at the floor.

"I'm fine.."
Dream said, even he didn't believe himself. His voice literally broke while uttering the two words.

"Oh, Dream.. c'm here"

George forced dream to rest into him. Now leaning on George's shoulder, than the couch armrest.

For a minute, Dream was tense. Not resting into the comforting touch. Until he got lost in the moment of fantasy.

Remembering how his mother would hold him, just as George did. Or how she used to always make sure he was okay, just as George did.

It was overwhelming to be thinking about the one he would give his life up; just to see her again

Uncontrollable tears began to well. He was vulnerable and sad.
"It's alright.. let it out"

Loud sobs began to stir in dreams throat. Feeling every one before he inevitably let them out.

He basically clawing onto George as water steamed down from tear ducts. The poor guy was practically wailing for his mother, only for her to not be there.

"I miss h-her so m-much— George I-"

The brunette just held Dream tighter. Rubbing his shoulder, and trying to make out the words he weeped through sobs. Fully ready to sit and comfort him through the mental breakdown that was starting.

"I want her to be here for Mother's Day! I miss her so much-"

George gently kissed dreams hair before he abruptly swung his arms around his shoulders and neck, Bear hugging him.


George pawed at dreams shoulder and twirled the hair that hung down to his neck. Gently trying to somehow bring him closer.

"I know, I know.. you'll see her again?"

Neither believed in the afterlife, yet somehow, it was reassuring. George was struggling to find ways to calm dream down.

Hyperventilation was a given, considering how Dream was gasping for air every time a sob was ripped from his vocal cords.

"I want to see her now.."

Loud sniffles and cry's left dreams body. He was still grabbing George tightly, holding him as his mom used to.

George had briefly heard about dreams relationship with his mother. He knew they were close, but never the extent, as Dream didn't want to talk about the years that she was gone. Only the ones when she was alive and happy.

Poor dream had bottled up the grieving feelings, to the point of him breaking down.

"Shhh.. shhh.."

There was only so much George could do. Dream was upset, and had every right to be. He just held and rubbed his back while he finally let himself cry.

Eventually he had to stop. There was only so many tears he could take before an inevitable headache grew.

Dream lifted his chin from being rested on George's shoulder, to looking up at him.

George's heart ached at his boyfriends hurt. He couldn't even fathom not having his mother with him anymore.

The brunette using his thumb to wipe dreams eyes, collecting an eyelash that fell off from Dream rubbing his eyes so much.

George kissed his cheek, while dream mumbled something along the lines of,

"I want my mom"
He said before hiding his face in George's chest.

"Do you want to get her some flowers? We could put them by her gravestone..?"

Dream nodded while getting up to put his shoes on.

The drove to a floral shop, while George kept reassuring Dream that he shouldn't be embarrassed to be sad, let alone cry.
As this was dreams first time crying in front of him.

They ended up picking some beautiful pink and white roses. Carefully and perfectly setting them by the stone that meant everything to dream.

George stepped back, to give the other some space. It was his mom, and probably wanted a bit of distance.

That was until he saw the blonde wipe his face briefly.

"Do you need a hug?"

. . .


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