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Prompt:(requested) asthma attack

Words: 1986

Dream, Sapnap, karl, and George were all at the beach. Going to enjoy some time together, as they were usually busy.

George and Dream were sitting by the water. The light waves crashing against their backs.
Dream wanted to make sand castles, and George wanted to watch him. Finding it cute to see him clump sand together.

Dreams hands were sandy, moulding and shaping his castle of sand.

"It looks like shit" George wheezed.

Dream glared at the brunette playfully. Knowing he was only joking, he picked up a handful of sand. Immediately throwing it at his boyfriend.

"Dream!!" George squealed, standing up to run away. Sand kicked back from his feet, as he ran.
Dream chased him down the water. Laughing and calling for him to slow down.

They were both in swim trunks, and sweaty. The summer sun in Florida burning their skin.

Dream eventually caught up to him, and ran to hug him. Wrapping his arms around George's waist, and holding onto him tightly.

George smiled, and turned his head to kiss dreams neck. Planting a sweet gentle peck on his tanned skin.

Dream blushed, while walking away from the splashing water. Pulling George with him.
The two made their way back to blanket, seeing karl and Sapnap sitting together. They were sharing a sandwich, when dream and George sat down with them.

The four spoke for ages. Having so much to fill each other in on. Happy chatter, and sweet giggles
. Being slightly annoyed that the sand stuck their wet bodies, embracing in nonetheless.

Sapnap wanted to take karl for ice cream, the two leaving soon after their conversations went dry. Agreeing to bring some back for George and Dream.

George lay on his towel. The shade from his umbrella cascading a cool shade onto him.
The brunette could hear dreams random babbles, but wasn't really listening. He was about to fall asleep.

The area around the beach filled with heavy scents of perfume, weed, and chemicals. Dream was starting to feel strangely breathless.
Coughing was inevitable, as he went to sit down. Giving himself a break. Going to relax beside his boyfriend, on his towel.

George still wasn't really listening to dreams words. He was blabbering about random topics. That was until he heard coughing. Blowing it off as sand in his throat or something.
He could push it away until he heard Dream wheeze out;

"George- I f-feel dizzy"

The brunette shot up to face him. Seeing dreams lips a slightly blue tint. He was confused, as Dream didn't look like he was getting enough air.
His face turned paler, and he was visibly panicking.

Dream had been diagnosed with asthma for years now. He never really had it bad, but definitely was familiar with what was going on.
Unfortunately, it was too late for him to have enough awareness to do something.

His chest tightened, as George was becoming worried. Dream didn't tell George about it, as felt it was embarrassing. It obviously wasn't, but he didn't want to worry George.

Dream found himself gasping for air, and George was still Trying to figure out what do to.

"Dream? What's going on, are you okay?" He questioned.

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