Are you drunk?

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Prompt: Sapnap and Dream get drunk

Words: 1238

Sapnap and Dream were together hanging out. George was upstairs sleeping, while the two decided to have a little fun.
Deciding they'd drink a little, and talk about whatever came to mind.

Of course, this was all swell and fine. But the two had began to get out of hand. The more intoxicated they became, more bottles were opened.
Beer and vodkas, all sorts.

It was still quite late. The moon glistened through their living room blinds, and outside, wonderful  snow lay on the ground.

Sapnap was doing okay. He wasn't to the point of being blacked out the next day, but definitely wasn't all there.

Dream on the other hand.
He was absolutely wasted. Apparently finding out he didn't handle alcohol as well as he thought.
Sapnap wasn't sober enough to tell dream to stop drinking so much, as he was doing the same.

Nothing they were doing of out of control per say, but also not very smart.
Drunken phone calls, or severe hangovers were inevitable.

Time ticked by, as more snow fell. Piling up, creating beautiful white blankets of snow.
By now, Sapnap had passed out. He'd gone to bed long before.

Dream was watching tv, still sipping on an open bottle of beer.
He was loopy, and definitely wasn't thinking straight. Struggling to figure out the remote buttons.

Suddenly, karl entered the living space. After seeing his own boyfriend come upstairs completely drunk out of his mind, checking on Dream was a given.

He suspicions were confirmed, seeing cans and glass bottles piled on the kitchen island.

Groaning in annoyance, karl approached the blond the. Trying to get him to stop for awhile, and head to bed.

"Come on dream, let's get you to bed"
Karl snickered, seeing Dream laced out on a random armchair.

"No, just a little longerr" Dream slurred back. Karl barley being able to understand what he said.

Karl gently pulled dream to stand. Leading him away from the chair he was sat on, along with the beer.

Dream pouted, and moved away from karl. Mumbling on about he wasn't tired, and could stay up longer.

Karl began to get frustrated, but still tried to stay calm. Dream was acting like an idiot, and it was pushing him to snap.

"Dream. Move your ass! You're going to bed." Karl snapped. Accidentally yelling at him.

And if karl knew one thing, is that you don't yell at a drunk person. It doesn't help.
Some people may get mad, and storm out of room. Breaking stuff on their way out.
But dream, he had a different reaction. He sat down on the living room carpet, and cried.

He cried for karl to stop yelling. Not even bothering to wipe tears that flew down his face, at rapid speed.
Dreams drunken brain was far too gone, to understand how dramatic he was being.
Karl sat down, and tried to convince Dream to sleep.

"Hey, hey, I'm sorry. Let's try and go to bed no yeah? You'll feel better in the morning" karl cooed, Like he was talking to a little kid.
And he knew full well that dream would have an awful hangover in the morning. Therefor hoping the blond wouldn't think to much into his words.

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