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Prompt: trans dream + pregnancy

I was reading some comments and I was surprised how polite ppl are 😭 you guys are so nice to each other in the replies

A quick angst to fluff chapter to pass the time
Words: 1421

Dreams sighed as his squirmed on the bed.
His back ached, and his whole body was sore. It was becoming more and more difficult to lay comfortably as the weeks went on.

He was seven months into his pregnancy. He was extremely excited to be dad; George as well.
Even if it was a constant reminder that he wasn't a biological man, it was worth it to finally have a baby.

It'd always been a dream of his to have family. Which was one of the main reasons he didn't get surgery, as he desperately wanted a baby.

Despite always wanting to have a baby, he'd almost lost hope at being able to get pregnant. After taking testosterone for so long, the complications were extraordinary. Making it incredibly difficult for him to even get pregnant.

Obviously he'd stopped taking it, but because the time frame was so close he'd had a miscarriage.
Which really did break his, and George's heart. And Dream couldn't help but think it was his fault.

George had helped him so much, and even took time off streaming to just be with him constantly. Making sure he'd be okay.

That was a year before Dream found out he pregnant again. He'd stopped taking testosterone completely since he lost the baby. Hoping he'd be able to get pregnant again, which he had.

When he got past the timeframe where most miscarriages happen, he felt at ease. He really had a chance to be a dad this time.

Because of how high risk the pregnancy had been, George was extremely protective of him. Doing everything in his power to keep Dream de-stressed, and to keep him healthy.

He was now in the final months of his pregnancy, so many of the risks had decreased. Even so, it was always a worry they'd Lose the baby.

Even so, the mere possibility of being a dad was worth it.
Even if they'd have an angel baby.

. . .

"George?" Dream groaned.

"What's up, honey? Do you need anything?" George replied sweetly. Dropping his attention from the tv they were watching.

"My back hurts," he stated tiredly.

George sighed, and moved closer to his husband. He found him getting more fatigued as the months went on.

Dream was laying on the couch in a way that George could rub his back comfortingly.
"How's baby?" George asked.

"He's kicking," dream grumbled. Moving George's palm to feel his baby bump. "Feel it?"

George felt a burst of butterflies erupt in his heart. Feeling the kicks of his son was emotionally invigorating.

George continued to rub dreams back and tummy, leaving light kisses on his cheeks.

The wholesome moment was interrupted by Dream quickly pushing George off of him. "I need to pee," he laughed.

George watched lovingly as his very pregnant husband got off the couch. Adoring how he'd developed an adorable waddle from his baby bump.

The brunette couldn't help but giggle at how cute Dream was pregnant. His baby fever seemed to go on forever.

"Shut up," Dream laughed. "You try having a baby kicking right on your bladder,"

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