Bed wetting

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Version two of "Pissbaby.."

(I had written this first, didn't like it, then decided it was good enough to post)

Word count: 2555

Dream and Sapnap were both visiting George in the UK. A Long a awaited visit to say the least. A nearly 5 year wait, to be exact.

Now that the three could all be together in the same house, they were inseparable. The constant flirting between George and dream, and Sapnap third wheeling; it was a virtuous experience. A friendship dynamic only they could handle.

Except dreams flirting went beyond a joke. He meant every word he said. Sapnap was starting to pick up on it, as he was practically eye fucking George. Either way, he wasn't sure so he just assumed Dream was joking too.

Dream had a crush on George for almost a year. He was deeply infatuated. It was the kind of love where he could be flirty, yet serious. Always hoping one day George would randomly say he likes him back.
Fantasizing about a life he could have the brunette boy.

He knew full well George didn't like him back. So he gave up. He gave up on trying to convince himself that George maybe could love him, and that George was gay.

George actually did like Dream back, but thought the exact same thing. Both boys thinking it was never meant to be.

This was up until the three were passed out sleeping. Sapnap on the couch, Dream in the guest room, and George in his room.
Everything was swell as moonlight shaun through the blinds. Every room having a touch of dark blue light.

George was dead asleep, while Sapnap couldn't seem to fall asleep. He just was awake. Excitement? Anxiety? Who knows. But he just ended up scrolling on his phone.

Dream on the other hand. He was in a complete state of panic. He sat upright in the bed, having been shaken awake by nightmares.

This was a common thing. Dream would be awoken by frequent night terrors. They progressively got worse over time. He used to be able to blow it off, but now he'd sometimes end up in tears.
It could get so bad, Sapnap would hear him scream as awoke.

Thankfully, this time he didn't even make a noise. Just utter panic and shock.
Eventually he came back down to earth, but deciding to get water before going to back to sleep. When he moved his legs, he immediately noticed the way his pyjama pants stuck to his thighs.

No. No. No. This can't be happening. There's no way.. did he?

Dream looked down to see his pants soaking wet. He knew exactly why. It had probably been 17 years since he last wet the bed.
He cringed at the feeling. It was utterly awful.

It was humiliating and gross.

It was disgusting. He was sitting in a puddle of his own piss. feeling how the fabric of his pants made a squishing sound. He quickly got up from the bed, and hobbled to his suitcase. Pulling out new underwear, and new pants to wear.

He decided it would be better to shower first. Only hoping no one would see him. It was almost one in the morning, so hopefully his friends would be sleeping.

Dream looked back at the crude bed. It had a wet spot right where dream once laid. The blonde only hoping it wouldn't smell too bad.
He'd focus on one problem at a time.

First, washing the smell of pee off his body, then cleaning the bed.
He only hoped George wouldn't be mad. He didn't want to tell him.

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