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Prompt: (requested) George rejected dream when he proposed.

George and Dream had been out walking along the beach. Beautiful sunsets, and the sand was soft against their feet.

The clear blue water reflected beautifully against the white sand.
Dream was holding George's hand, as they walked down the beach.
The lights from the city made the sky bright and pretty.

Dream had taken George to Miami, to hopefully propose to him. He'd been a nervous wreck the whole day, and needed constant reassurance from George.

The brunette was oblivious to dreams anxiety, thinking it was because of the travelling.
When in fact, dream couldn't think of anything other than George.

When he ate, it was George. When he slept, it was George. Even when he looked in the mirror, he only thought of George.

There was nothing he could do to get rid George. The whole time they drove from Florida to Miami, he only thought of George.

George was laughing at dream stumbling in the sand, as they both chuckled.
The waves light crashed against the rocks, startling them.

Fiddling with the ring box in his shorts pocket, dreams heart picked up.
After spending hours picking out the perfect ring, Dream couldn't wait to ask George.

George had a feeling Dream was planning to pop the question. He prayed Dream wouldn't ask it yet, but could tell he may.

Dream missed the sign that George wasn't ready to get married. He was too excited to hopefully become George's husband.

He liked that title.
George's husband.

His hands shakily let go of the brunettes. He slowly knelt down, and got on one knee. Desperately trying to remember the speech he rehearsed hundreds of times. He made sure he wouldn't stutter over it.

His nerves were everywhere, as hands shook. Gulping, dream opened his mouth to speak.
He carefully re-uttered the speech he spent hours memorizing.

George's face dropped, as he desperately wanted to stop dream from embarrassing himself.
He did love dream, but he just wasn't ready to get married yet.

He looked so happy to telling George just how much he loved him. It made George feel slightly bad.

Dreams voice was laced with fear, yet adoring puppy love. It was unconditional, and sweet.
George hated to admit he had slightly zoned out. Listening to the water instead of dreams love speech.

He didn't listen to a word dream gushed out. The words the blond spent weeks perfecting, because dream thought that George only deserved the best.

George was so caught in his head, he barely managed to hear his boyfriends final words.

"Will you marry me, George?" He said confidently.

The silence that fell over the two was sickening.
George was stood still, and utterly numb. He didn't know what to say. He didn't want to bluntly say no, as he didn't want to make Dream sad.

He didn't deserve that.

He looked at the beautiful ring dream bought. It looked well picked, and a very obvious amount of effort had been put into it.

Dreamnotfound one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora