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(I thought this would be funny, but just felt bad for him half way through writing 😭)

Prompt: Dream accidentally pees himself

Word count: 2628

Fight, flight, or freeze. The typical responses to stress. Usually, these are pretty common. In come cases, other reactions could be accompanied by These. Such as, random stims, sneezing, panic attacks or in involuntary urination...
All associated with chronic or severe anxiety.

Dream was on of the people who was cursed with the last two. He would have frequent panic attacks, and if the scare was bad enough, he'd pee himself.

I know it's funny, but imagine getting scared and just peeing. No control, just complete embarrassment.

Dream wouldn't be able to play horror games, go on roller coasters, or really anything with jump scares. The last thing he wanted was to see a scary movie, and have a panic attack.

The amount of shame and bullying he experienced as a child, was incredible. Utterly and emotionally traumatic.

When he graduated, he made an oath to himself that he would do everything in his power to keep it a secret. Even if it meant dealing with panic on his own.
So when he made friends in other parts of the world, it was a blessing. No longer having to worry about pissing himself in front of them, or panic episodes. He could just leave the call, and pretend nothing happened.

Giving the extent he went through to not let his secrets get out, it was going to be put the test. He was going to meet up with his friends in London.

That meant flying to the uk. Which would be fine. Thankfully, he was not scared of planes.
If anything, dreams biggest fear, was peeing himself in public. Embarrassing himself in front of others.

Nonetheless, Dream sat in a cab. Almost getting to see his two best friends, George and Sapnap. 

He was especially excited to see George. The brunette boy was exceptionally pretty, and Dream fell head over heals. Fantasizing about a life he could have with him.
Not that he didn't like Sapnap, he was just more blunt.

The blonde haired man carefully rang the doorbell to small town house. It was perfect for someone living alone. The house was decent for a downtown London flat.

An average sized George opened the door. Taking a full second the appreciate the man awkwardly standing in front of him.

The man was pretty. He had fluffy dirty blonde hair, emerald eyes that sparkled, and was relatively tall.

George blushed as he brought dream into a hug. Letting his hands feel the back of dreams hair. Their jackets rubbed together in an uncomfortable fashion, but the two were content. Loving the final touch of another.

Maybe the hug went on a little too long, but dreams face resembled a rose in a near by bush. George took note, and lead him inside.

"Sap is already here! It's so great to finally meet you"

George had a huge grin on his face. Getting to finally see his favourite people in person was exciting.

Dream was lead into the fair sized kitchen, and greeted by Sapnap.


The blondes comical laugh fluttered through their ears, and a welcoming feeling replacing any troubles thoughts.

Time went on, and the three were enthralled. Just being near each other was harmonizing. The sun began to set, and a cloudy overcast set over the city. Rain puttered down George's glass, while Sapnap admired the sound.

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