Wheres dream?

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Prompt: (requested) after a fight Dream runs off, accidentally getting 'lost'

Words: 2287

"QUACKITY!!!" George screeched.

He and Quackity were steaming. Finally deciding to provide content of some sort. Feeling excited to see their fans reactions to moments in the stream.

As their laughs faded out, and energy died, the two eventually decided to end it. Saying bye to the stream, and reading out donations.

Sighing, George shut his computer off. Getting ready to have a hot shower, and go to bed.

He was slightly upset that Dream wasn't answering his calls. They'd gotten into a fight, and Dream had run off. Most likely to calm himself down, and give George some space.

It had been a couple hours now, so George had already let it go. It was a stupid fight, and wasn't worth the stress.

He had already called his boyfriend three times, and the call was never answered. The annoying rings of the dial could only be heard.

He was slightly worried that Dream would break up with him, but didn't think their fight would push him that far.

Letting out a sad sigh, George dialled dreams number. Hoping with all his heart he'd hear dreams soft voice.

The ringing stopped, and dreams message recording played. Getting ready to leave a message, his lip quivered. Thinking he really pushed dream to leave him for good.

"Hey dream.. I said I was sorry, please answer.. I'm worried about you"
Hanging up, George could almost beg for an answer.

Deciding to just go to sleep, George stumbled over the bed. Lifting the covers, and resting in the blankets. Wishing his boyfriend was there to lay with him.

The minutes turned into hours, and the brunette was having trouble falling asleep. Each time he thought he'd finally drift off, dream plagued his mind.

Remembering the tears the dripped down from dreams eyes when they had fought, George felt awful.

Most of all, he was mad.
Infuriated with Dream ignoring him. Not answering his calls, or even telling him he was okay. He must know he was stressing George.

As snow puttered against the window, a cold frost rigged the windowsill. Fogging, and making it icy.

Just as his brown eyes were about to flutter closed, his phone buzzed. Once, twice, and then three times. Soon over and over again.

Peaking at the id, George groaned.
It was dream.

He wasn't worried anymore. He honestly couldn't care less if he was okay at this point.
After being ignored for four hours, it only could make George more angry.

Agitated by the ringing, George put his phone on silent. Wishing dream would just fuck off, and let him sleep.
It was still so late.

When the phone showed Dream was calling again, George practically pulled his head out.
Answering, the brunette gritted his teeth.

Before Dream even had a chance to say something, George began to speak.
"Go away dream. I don't want to talk to you right now!" George huffed.

Ending the call, George whined. The exhaustion from dreams mere call making pass out in an instant.

No more thoughts of dream. No more worries. And no more lying awake.

* * *

Sun creeped through a crack in George's blinds. Showing the dust particles floating in the air.
The birds were surprisingly silent, and only little chirps could be heard in the distance.

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