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I need a bf to do this with smh 🤦‍♀️

Prompt: Dream in the bath 🫶

Word count: 1212

"I brought you some tea"

Dream reached for the hot cup. Wincing as it slightly burned his palms.
He and George had gone for a walk, during midwinter season. It had began to snow, and Dreams body wasn't used to the cold. He was used to the humid and hot weather of Florida.

When he got back inside, he had a runny nose, and a high temperature. Indicating he had a head cold of some sort.

George ran him a warm bath, while he made some tea for his throat, and to warm him slightly.

Now Dream sat, soaking inside the water. He was still very cold, yet the water was quite hot. He was curled up on the end, his knees poking up from the water.

"I'm going to make something for dinner"

George was about to leave his boyfriend, when dream gently tugged on the sleeve of his shirt.


His voiced was laced with sleep, and very stuffed up. Though George thought stuffy dream was the cutest thing ever.

George couldn't say no to that. He stripped off his clothes, and sat down in the bath with Dream.

Dream immediately sniffled and made his way to his boyfriend. George spread his legs slightly so Dream could get in between them.
Their stomachs pressed against each other, and their eyes locked.

Dreams eye contact resembled doe eyes. Just looking up at George, while resting on him.

It was comforting to actually feel each other. The bare skin on skin contact brought them closer each time they bathed together. Both boys becoming completely vulnerable.

Dream suddenly leaning to side to let out a sneeze he'd be holding back. He couldn't be bothered to lift his elbow, when he turned back to George; he had a very small amount mucous dripping down from his nose.

It wasn't much, but enough to indicate that his nose was still running. George lifted his hand to his cheek, and used the back of his hand to wipe it away. Using the water to get rid of it completely.

Dream didn't even flush in embarrassment, but he most likely hadn't noticed. He was becoming more and more sleepy the longer he stayed in the bath.

George would of laughed at him, but he looked too loopey to understand it was joke.

Dream sniffled again, as he turned around. Leaning his back on George's stomach. It was easier for him to wish around the few bubbles in the water.

George found this to be the sweetest thing ever. Adoring how dream somehow looked even more cute in the moment.
George made ripples in the water as he pushed dreams head back onto his chest.

His now blonde hair being wet from the water. He was looking up at George, and was giggling over George being upside down from his angle.

His goofy smile pulled at George's heartstrings. He leaned to kiss dreams forehead, while grabbing at his chin.

"You look sleepy"

"You look upside down"

The brunette rolled his eyes at dream continuing to find that funny. Nonetheless trying to make dream stop squirming to wash his hair.

George softly rubbed shampoo into dreams scalp, while still having to stop bubbles from going in his eyes.
Next, using conditioner to get his curls back. The dirty blonde hair immediately spiralling back into its more curly form.
Finally pushing the back of dreams head into the water. Rinsing out all the hair oils, and awing at the other having rosy cheeks.

"Your hair is so nice"

Dream leaned into the complements, as he rested his back on George's stomach again.
The brunette taking this opportunity again to praise every part of dream. Every part he knew he was insecure about.

"Your freckles make you look so cute, and your body is perfect. I think it's adorable that your thighs are slightly pudgy~"

"And don't even get me starting on your nose"

Dreams brain was melting at the praise. He always had attentive reactions to stuff like that. A sucker for kind words.

George rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb, and watched dream turn groggy. He started in between his eyebrows, and down to the part it curved up slightly.

The feeling was indescribably virtuous. Dream turning to puddly at the small rubbing. Feeling his eyes become heavy, as he kept his eyes closed. Completely drifting off into sleep.

George watched dreams eyes shut, and made no effort to stop them. He deserved to rest, and he just looked adorable. He had a head cold, so he was snoring slightly. It wasn't loud, but the blondes lips were parted slightly.

The comforting weight from Dream laying on him, made George become tired surprisingly quickly. He couldn't care less if he nodded off, doing exactly that; moments later.

Sapnap had came home two hours ago. When he arrived, he couldn't find his two best friends. Seeing dreams car in the driveway, but the boys no where. He eventually found their whereabouts.

Patches was meowing at George's bathroom door. The last thing Sapnap wanted was to walk into something..

But after two hours, he decided that was too long for anyone to spend in the bathroom.

Knocking, and getting no response. He made the desion to just go in. He was slightly worried, and surprised to find the door unlocked.

Sapnap felt like he was invading privacy, but honestly just making sure the two were okay.

he walked in to see Dream cuddled up on George, and both of them sleeping. Dream also had a slightly runny nose.

Should he wake them? Pretend he didn't just see his two best friends completely nude?

Thankfully, Dream covered George, but the blondes body could be seen from the water. Graciously, not in detail. Sparing Sapnap that awful image.

"George- George- George-"
He tapped while trying to shake George awake, without waking Dream up. It be better for them both, if he didn't know he saw him in the bath.

When George awoke, his eyes batted around the room. Trying to come back to reality.

"WHA- Sapnap?!"

George's eyes widened as he sat up straight, and grabbed at dreams thigh. Pulling it to cover the blondes crotch.

"Yeah- uh sorry for barging in.. but uh- you've been in here for almost three hours"

"Oh um- thanks for waking me"

George was genuinely grateful he didn't sped the night in water. Though he was slightly jealous that sapnap saw Dream in the way he did. Dream was his boyfriend, not Sapnaps.

Sapnap was flustered as he tried to get the image of Dream and George being completely naked, in a bath, and sleeping, out of his brain.

George wiped dreams nose again, and hoisted him out of the bathtub.


Dream was tired and his voice was deep from the cold. He sounded like death as George covered him in a towel. Drying him off just enough to bring him to the bed.

The brunette dried, and wrapped a towel around his, and dreams waist.
Proceeding to carry him to bed. Dream had fallen back asleep, and George passed out after. Utterly exhausted from lifting his significantly taller boyfriend up.

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