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Prompt: (requested) childish dream + habits
*I combined 2 requests because they weren't long enough to make a story*

I hope you enjoy
Words: 1222

"George! Let's go!!"

"I'm coming dream, hold on!" George giggled.

Dream grabbed George's hand, and pulled him through the gate of the zoo. Faintly hearing animals and people inside.

Dreams smile was wide, and happy. Truly enjoying his time.

George couldn't help but smile. Dream was so happy to be there, that it made him feel happy too.
Like he was a ray of sweet chatter and sunshine.

George had always seen dream as a bit childish. From their first date, to the beginning of their friendship. It was always slightly apparent.

Not in a dumb way, but in a way that made it endearing. Whether it be him watching cartoons, obsessing over the feelings of stuffed animals, his strangely funny fear of his closet at night, or wanting to occasionally draw or colour.

It was always just him. A cute part of his personality that made him sweet, and indifferent.

Which is the exact reason he wanted to take Dream to the zoo. The blond had always admired animals in way, so a zoo was perfect for his attention.
His adhd also provoked an adorable excitement, adding to overall flutter of cheerfulness.

George held dreams hand, loving how much bigger it was than his.
The brunette had tried to let go of his hand, but dream wouldn't let him. Not wanting George to be too far away from him, as he adored physical touch.

Rolling his eyes, George continued to hold his hand. Thumb brushing over small freckles on his knuckle.

There was many things sweet and perfect about his boyfriend. George always knew that.
Though, Dream had grown accustomed to many small habits. George had accepted this long ago, as his adhd contributed.

One of the habits that George desperately wanted Dream to get rid of, was him biting his lips.

He'd chew on his lip tissue when he was listening, thinking, or really just doing anything. It was just something he did unknowingly.

Obviously, his lips became chapped. Sometimes even bleeding, If he bit down too far. Especially when he was nervous.

Nonetheless, George Carried around chapstick. Many kinds of lip balm of sorts.
He'd even tried to get one that tasted bad, but it still wouldn't stop the blond from his nervous habit.

Pulling Dreams hand towards him, Dream followed in suit. Wondering why George suddenly pulled to face him.

"Dream, come on" he playfully groaned. Reaching into his pocket to pull out a chapstick.

Dream sheepishly smiled, and leaned down slightly. Hoping George would just put it on him instead.

"I know there's a lot of people here, and it makes you nervous. But please try and stop chewing? You can squeeze my hand if you'd like?"
George cooed, as he applied some on his boyfriends lips.

He felt the glide of the lip balm over his lips. Refreshing the skin he'd accidentally gotten rid of.
Nodding, Dream smiled. Immediately pulling George towards an exhibit.

"George!! Look, there's tigers!!" Dream squealed. Not even noticing how excited he got. He didn't even like tigers that much.

"Yeah, there are" George breathily chuckled. Seeing Dream slightly bounce on his feet.

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