Sevice Dogs

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Prompt: (requested) a karen starts complaining about dreams service dog
+ epilepsy

I'd just like to say ty to all the readers who have stayed w me, and these chapters since the beginning. I appreciate you <3

Words: 2156

George and Dream were at the mall. The two had decided to spend their day walking through the stores.

Dream was feeling okay, so they decided to seize the moment. Heading out on a mall date, as they hadn't gone out for awhile.

Dream had been having more seizures than normal, so his doctor had decided to assign him a service dog.
The dogs name was Vincent, and he was German shepherd.

He was still getting used to having a service dog, as he often got looks from strangers. But George was always there to calm his anxiety.

The mall was closing soon so there wasn't many people. George had also promised they'd stay near the fancier part of the mall. So they could be near the specific place for people with spacial disorders could rest.

"What about this?" George asked. Holding up a shirt. He looked at Dream in question, and then back at the shirt.

"It's uh- unique?" Dream giggled. Trying to find a way to tell George the shirt he was holding was ugly.

George raised his eyebrow, and scoffed. Understanding what his boyfriend was trying to say.

"It's not that bad!" The brunette laughed while putting the shirt back.

"Oh, yes it is." Dream stated while giving George a sweet smile.

"Whatever," George chuckled. Grabbing dreams hand, as they walked out of the store. Heading into the main area of the mall.

The mall was decently sized, and had three floors. it was relatively new and modern. It had fountains, and occasionally fake plants.

Dream was busy admiring the scenery when a little girl came running over. She looked only about six or seven.

"Can I pet your dog?" She asked happily.

Before Dream could answer, a women walked over, and reached for the girls hand.

"Sorry," she said to dream before she picked her up. "That's a service dog, he's working" she explained to her daughter.

Dream smiled at her mother understanding. Being thankful she didn't cause as scene, as he was going to say no.

The girl looked confused, as she looked back to dream.

"What does he do?" She asked innocently.

George smiled at how cute she was. Thumbing circles into the palm of dreams hand.

"I Sometimes I get sick, so he helps me when I do," dream said nicely. Enjoying the soft touches from George as he spoke.

"Oh!" She grinned. "I get sick too sometimes, maybe I will get a service dog!"

Both Dream and her mom smiled at her not understanding what he was implying when he said 'sick'.

Her mom gave a look of sympathy, as she walked away with her daughter. Mouthing a 'sorry' for the trouble.

George gave Dream a quick kiss on his temple. Having to stand on his toes to reach.

"Still feeling okay?" He asked.

"Mhm," dream hummed. Continuing to walk with George. Vincent was walking close beside him, and gazing at the people walking by.

Pointing at a store, george asked if they could go in. It was darker kind of store, and most of the clothes were dark.

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