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Words: 1482
Tw: self harm, negative self image

"I'm going to have a shower"

Dream strolled up the stair to his ensuite. He had a long day. Sapnap and George were both visiting, and this was the second day they had been staying with dream. To put into words, they did a lot. They went to the mall, said hi to some fans they saw there, went to get dinner, and on top of that, saw a movie after.

George was staying in his room, and Sapnap had the guest bathroom. He somehow convinced george to share a bed with him. He was happy about that. Dream secretly wanted one of those cliché things to happen; where you end up cuddling. But that didn't happen. No where near that in fact.

George had put a pillow barrier in between them. If Dream was being honest, it hurt a bit. I mean, his crush didn't even want to get near him. But so, Dream respected George's boundaries. Maybe he wasn't the physical touch type?

Dream was so lost in this thoughts, that he didn't even notice he was turning the shower on. He was literally on autopilot. So much so, that he forgot to lock the door.

He was tired and out of it, he didn't notice that George left his toothbrush in his bathroom. If he had, than he would have brought it out to him. But he didn't.

God, if he had only seen it.

So he pulled his pants down (😏) and took off his shirt.
Only leaving him left in his boxers and socks.
As if fate hated him, george walked through the door.

That wasn't the main problem. The problem wasn't that George had walked through the door in almost naked dream, the problem was the scars littering his body.

Dreams life wasn't the best before they came. He'd often cut himself out of regret, and emotional sensation. It made him feel okay. It made him feel like he was being forgiven when he cut. Not because he was a bad person, he wasn't. To give him clarity that he fucked up and NEEDED a punishment. But like all mental health issues, it spiralled out of control. He cut whenever something was bothering him. Like he deserved it.
He hated himself for it. He didn't want his problems to get in the way of his mental health. But he had failed.

He was finding more reasons to do it. Because he hated himself so much, and he couldn't even admit it. Not to himself, his friends, parents, not even his cat.
He tried to many times to stop. So, so, so, many. He downloaded apps, watched videos, but every time he failed, that was another reason. Another reason to hurt himself.

It got so bad, he was running out of places to cut. Of course, that was weeks ago. And he was so proud of himself.

Something he hadn't felt in awhile. But that didn't last long when his brain constantly told him he shouldn't be proud. He shouldn't be happy he stopped. He should be disappointed in himself.

And with one intrusive thought, he progress was gone. Relapse after relapse.

Dream didn't tell anyone about this. Not a soul. And never planned to. But not everything goes to plan.

There George stood. Staring at dream. He didn't even notice george walked in. He was too focused on being spaced out.

George scanned over his body. Thighs, forearms, lower back, hips, were all covered with deep red and pink scars. If he wasn't so red from walking in on half naked dream, he'd be pale. But somehow, he was Even more pale.
George knew he was never supposed to see this side of dream. Ever. But he had..

It was when George gasped loudly, that dream looked up from the counter to see George. His best friend. "I- what! George?!"

"Dream! I'm so sorry I was getting my toothbrush.."

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