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**This was supposed to be out for ace week,
Sorry to the person who requested this I completely forgot I finished it🥲**

Prompt: (requested) ace dream + first shower with George

-different writing style as this is quite old-

Words: 2190
"Dreeeeam" George whined.

"One second!" Dream chuckled.

George stared at Dream stumbling into the bathroom. The two were about to shower, and George was waiting on Dream.

They'd been dating for almost ten months now, and had collectively agreed they could shower together now.
Neither of them were very sexually active, so they'd never seem each other naked before.
This was also because dream was on the asexual spectrum.

George didn't want to force Dream into sex if he didn't want it. Which is exactly why they'd never seen each other naked before, leading up to this specific moment.

Dream was thankful George never pressured him onto sex. He had the unreasonable fear George would leave them if they never actually did it.

But there they were. George waiting by the shower, and Dream hesitating to come in the door.

They both had towels wrapped around their waist, but it didn't stop the flusteredness that came with showering together.

Waiting patiently, George turned the shower on. Seeing the steam creep onto the mirror.

Their shared bathroom was pretty nice. It was modern, and had sleek white and marble tiles. The lights were warm, along with a large cloudy window, which reached the floor. You couldn't see in, but they could see out it.

Eyeing a hanging plant, George huffed. Wondering if his boyfriend would ever enter the bathroom.
It was only a walk-in shower, but they could make it work.

The door creaked open, as Dream slowly stepped in. He was red, and smiley. Desperately clutching onto the towel around his hips.

George was a little worried the blond was forcing himself to do this. He raised his eyebrow, as Dream had a deep blush agaisnt his cheeks.

"We don't have to do this if you don't want to, it's okay if your not ready" George sweetly smiled.

"I want to, it's just- embarrassing.."

Covering his face, the towel fell to just below his hips. Showing his v-line, making George's face heat up.

When dream noticed George's reaction, he chuckled in a vage burst of confidence. They were both flustered messes; Dream a little more than George.

Walking to his boyfriend, George uncovered dreams face. Holding both his hands, as he walked Dream to the shower.

Dream saw how George giggled at his embarrassed state.

"Shut up." He snarled playfully. Both of them bursting out into light laughter.

"Do you want me to go in first?" George asked, seeing how it didn't look like Dream was gonna be in the shower any time soon.

Nodding, Dream let go of George's hands.

He watched George step in to the shower, not knowing exactly where to look.
He didn't want to seem like a creep, so his eyes wandered everywhere except to Georges waist.

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