"Please don't laugh"

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Prompt: (requested) Dream likes to collect plushies, but hides it from George.

Words: 1293
Everyone has something they like. Music artists, tv shows, sports, animals maybe? But everyone has something.

Because people like to have something to obsessive over. People like to have something to lean back on when something happens. Good, or bad.

Dream was one of the people who liked to collect things.
People collect all sorts of things. Sports cards, action figures, coins, records,  and just anything that has many variations.

Dream had always been the type who collected things. Ever since he just a child.
His kid-self would collect rocks, or toy cars, and occasionally plushies.

As he got older, he soon never got bored of keeping things to pile up and collect.

Especially plushies. He had so many of them. He had animal ones, Minecraft ones, ones fans sent him, yootooz, and so many more.
He didn't know why he liked them so much. It could of been a reminder of childhood, or a sense of commitment.

Either way, he just loved them.
He used to have some on his bed, or by his desk. He just liked holding them, or seeing them around. It made him happy.

He didn't get lonely because he always had one to hold, or feel.
Separation anxiety definitely fuelled his love for the plushies.

Each time a fan would send him one, he'd make sure to add it to his collection. Good or bad, he just loved getting them from his supporters and fans.

When he lived alone, he could always have them out. Displaying his favourites.
But he lived with Sapnap and George now.

He knew it was strange to still like to own plushies and such, but didn't want to let go of it yet.

It gave him genuine happiness, and comfort. He didn't care how old he got, he wasn't getting rid of them yet.
Maybe one day. But not yet.

He put them In his bedroom closet. It was pretty large, so they fit fine with the rest of his clothes.

He still had one on his bed. It was teddy bear he'd had since he was a kid, so he had reason to want it on his bed.
But for the other ones, he didn't have a reason. He just liked having them.

George thought dreams bear was cute, and didn't mind that he had it. Sapnap couldn't care less, but occasionally teased him about it.

George and Sapnap had no idea that dream collected plushies. They only knew about the one bear.

That was until one relaxed winter day. The snow was lightly falling, and it wasn't terribly cold in the dream team house.

Sapnap went to get himself coffee, while George and Dream watched some tv. Dream had gotten tired, and fell asleep sometime while watching movies with George.

Now he was woken up by a pale hand running through his hair. Making him immediately relax back into the loving touch of George.

"Morning~" George cooed softly. Watching dreams lidded eyes adjust to waking up. He still looked so sleepy.

The blond smiled, and nuzzled into him. Wanting the warmth from George.

"Oh, are you cold?" George asked, watching dream pull the blanket to fall over his shoulders.

Nodding, Dream huffed.
"I wish I could fit your hoodie" Dream complained. Seeing as he would give anything for George to have a hoodie that wouldn't be tight on him. Cursing his boyfriends shortness.

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