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Promt: Dreams girlfriend yells at him and George

Requests are open !!!!!

Tw: slurs, swearing
Word count: 2106

As far as Dream could remember, he was always a bit of a crybaby. Anything could get him going, and he didn't know how to stop.

It wasn't even any incident that made him this way. It was his own mind. His mind would make him overthink little gestures and words, making them far worse than they were.

For example, someone would jokingly tease him, and he'd be fine. He knew it was a joke, and could move on.

But if someone slammed a door on his face, he'd take it to heart. Thinking he deserved it, or he did something wrong.

One thing that really set him off, was yelling. He hated it.
The thought of people constantly screaming at each other made him sad. Every time he had been yelled at by his parents or girlfriend, he'd start crying.

He honestly couldn't help it. It was embarrassing for a 22 year old man to be in tears because someone raised their voice.

It caused building relationships to be difficult, as he always needed reassurance. Just a simple 'thank you', or hugs would be enough.
This made him more clingy than others, but what could he do? 

It wasn't a huge problem, but the more time went on, he noticed how more emotional he was than others.

Even just watching movies. He watched 'A Dogs Journey', and cried like a baby.
Or when someone pointed out a pimple he had, on twitter.
The blonde just always seemed to have more empathy for random things, than he did for himself. Never giving himself a break. Constantly blaming his brain for making him this way.

One of the things he had to calm down was a childhood teddy bear. Always being there for him to hold, or snuggle with.

He thought, getting a girlfriend would help him. Help him build up a resistance to being so sensitive.
But no, it only showed him that he was in love with his best friend.


He loved George. He was everything to him, and had the exact opposite emotional sensitivity. Becoming more numb, than letting himself get sad.

George also was the loveliest person to dream. He never once made fun of him for being more emotional.

Dream didn't even have to tell him about him crying more than others, he could just pick up on it. Deciding to be more careful with his words.
Somehow, without really trying, he was dreams Favourite person.

To top it off, he also liked dream. He was closeted, and too shy to say anything. Watching his crush get a lover, hurt the brunette boy.

There Dream sat. On the edge of his bed, girlfriend pacing back and forth. She had finally had enough.

"GOD, CLAY!" She screamed at bedroom door.
She slowly turned around, walking right up to dream. Staring him deep in his eyes.
If she stared any longer, she'd burn a hole theough them. She was filled with fiery rage.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you! Why do you always do this?! You are the worst boyfriend I've ever had!! Look at you—"

She was cut off when she watched a few loose tears run down dream cheeks.

"WHY ARE YOU UPSET?! I'm the one in pain here! You're a fucking baby!! Always crying, always wanted me to comfort you!!! STOP!"

Dream could only let more water flow down his face. She was right.
He was a baby.

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