Talking's Hard

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Prompt: (requested) dream is selectively mute, and George accidentally told him he talks too much.

Words: 2205

George was taking his time to edit a new video he had filmed.
Dream was sat on the bed, fidgeting with the pillows laying on the mattress.

George was deep in concentration, while dream daydreamed. Absolutely lost in his own thoughts and feelings.

Hearing the clattering of George's keyboard, Dream sighed. Suddenly having millions of thoughts go through his head.

Before, Dream would keep it to himself. Occasionally signing to George important things he thought about.
Which could be incredibly annoying, as certain phrases didn't exist in sigh language.

Thankfully, he could speak again. After long episodes of being mute, Dream always felt relived when he felt comfortable enough to speak again.

There was many reasons for dreams selective mutism, but not one specific one.
Thinking he spoke too much, said weird things, or just hearing his voice at all.

George had a big part helping him talk again. Reassuring, and helping him become comfortable enough to speak up.

The brunette even learned to sign, so Dream wouldn't feel so bad for not talking. Deciding to just not speak along with him, so he'd feel more normal.

The brunette and him spent ages building up trust. To the point when Dream did speak, George couldn't stop smiling and praising him.

He'd just always been so accepting and
non-judgmental. Dream couldn't thank him enough for the never ending patience George always seemed to have.

"George?" Dream suddenly asked.

By now, it was normal for him to speak, so George didn't have a reaction. Only giving a quiet hum in answer.

"Do you wanna go shopping? I really want to do something, cause I'm tired of sitting here"
Dream babbled.
Not realizing George had already stopped listening.

If he understood George was really busy, he would've left. He would have stopped talking, leaving George to his work.

"Maybe we could get coffee? I know you like coffee, so I'll just get something else. Maybe tea! Do you like tea?"

George sighed at his video. It didn't look right, and was too focused to actually answer. Instead, just ignoring Dream completely.

Which was something he'd never usually do.

"George?" Dream paused. "Could we cuddle? Or watch a movie? I know you wanted to see the new one, that just came out"

The blond was just happy. He wanted to tell George each thought he was thinking. Not understanding that George was trying to work, and not in the mood to talk.
Which was fine. George had every right to want to focus.

Moving to sit by George, dream rested his elbows on the desk.

"My mom called me this morning! I love when she calls, I miss her. I hope you can meet her soon, because—"

Dream continued to ramble on, as George typed away on his keyboard.

The brunette was becoming frustrated. Each time he tried to fix the video, it never worked.
Agitation was the only thing he thought.

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