Age Regression

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Prompt:(requested 2x) In the title

**age regression is not sexual, or weird. It is used to help people with traumas or BPD calm down, any hate for this ch will be deleted**

Words: 1506

Dream was trying to cook himself dinner. George sitting in the living room, waiting for Dream to finish so they could eat.

He slowly poured the pasta noodles into the boiling water, and stirred carefully.
The wind was blowing outside, and it was dark. It wasn't raining, but looked as though it may.

Dream could feel himself slipping away from his usual headspace. He tried to stop it, as he wasn't ready to tell George about what it was. He did trust him, but simply was embarrassed. There was no reason for him to be, he just was. He didn't want George to think he was weird.

He was struggling to keep himself together. Needing to slip back into a younger mentality. It was involuntary this particular time, even so, he just didn't want George to know.

As he was trying to not let himself become little, he saw the water boiling over.
That was the last push he needed before being forced by his own mind, to age regress.

His eyes widened at the water spilling over, dropping the spoon he held to stir. Frantically calling for George's help, not knowing what to do.

He may have looked his normal age, but he sure didn't feel it. Suddenly being forced back in time to when he was only about five.

Childhood trauma started the age regression. Using it as coping mechanism, sometimes being forced onto him, when he was nervous or scared.

George heard Dream frantically yell for him. Seeing the water pooling over the sides of the pot, and a very startled dream looking at it. George wondered why he wasn't doing anything, but decided against getting mad. As the blond didn't look all there.

George Quickly moved it away from the burner, and wiped away the hot water.

"Why did you just look at it! It's burnt now"
George groaned. Letting his anger over-right his sensible self.

Dreams green eyes immediately pooled with tears. His child-like brain not being able to handle the stress of what was going on.

George did not mean to make Dream cry. He was confused to why the blond was even crying, it was just pasta.

"Wait, Dream, I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to make you cry"

George apologized quickly. Wanting to make Dream feel better as fast as possible. Noticing the tears that rolled down his freckled cheeks.

Dream slowly opened his arms, wanting a hug suddenly. The brunette immediately waking towards him, while holding him tight.

He truly had no idea what was going on. After all, He'd never see him cry like this, or look as small as he did. Visibly upset and wondering.

"I-I'm S-sorry.. I d-didn't mean to.."

Dreams voice strung slightly higher. Not in a baby way, but a way that wasn't his normal voice.

George patted his back, and waited for Dream to calm himself. Hearing little hiccups he'd occasionally let out.

"Is everything okay, Dream? Why are you so sad all of a sudden?"

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